Technetium-99m By Emily Vella Science Assessment Task 3
Type of Radiation Produced Technetium Gamma Camera Half-life of 6 hours, short lived metastable nuclear isomer Purpose is as a radioactive tracer in the body and detects with a gamma camera Produces a detectable amount of approximately 140 keV gamma rays
Used in Nuclear medicine to assist in detecting and preventing diseases and illnesses Small injection is able to send signals which are detected by the gamma camera and turned into an image Stabilises the safety of patients worldwide, approximately 20 million procedures An example of condition that is prevented is osteoporosis Used in Medicine
Benefits Half life of 6 hours, during this period there is an emission of gamma rays and low energy electrons keeping the dosage to the patient at a minimum due to lack of high energy beta emissions. Versatile radioisotope allowing for concentration on a particular tissue or organ due to the incorporation of a range of biologically-active substances A continually evolving industry which includes constantly positive improvements Easily transported from state to state
Problems Requires a nuclear reactor and technetium-99m generator for production High frequent exposure to hospital staff could potentially be dangerous Significant amounts of wastes stored in a laboratory requires a shield of lead sheet. Meaning larger doses are more of a risk to store
Justification Obviously the benefits significantly outweigh the problems Problems obtained include production, maintaining health of hospital staff and proper storage. Problems are all minor and can be easily altered The main characteristic of the 6 hour half-life is essentially the largest benefit, as it incorporates the wellbeing and safety of patients across the world.