Glendale Community College Why LEED? Why Commissioning? Blair Seibert, AIA, LEED AP, CSBA VERDE CONCEPTS Los Angeles
What is LEED™? –Consensus Based Green Rating System for building design, construction and operation
What is LEED™? –It analyzes and measures multiple aspects of a building’s design and construction
Why LEED Certification? –There is no definition for “LEED certifiable” –Third-party verification assures you that what was designed and planned is in fact what you received.
What is Commissioning? Term derived by the Navy– A commissioned ship is one deemed ready for service. Material, systems and staff have successfully completed a thorough quality assurance process
The Commissioning Process is a quality- oriented process for achieving, verifying, and documenting that the performance of facilities, systems, and assemblies meets defined objectives and criteria.” -- ASHRAE Guideline What is Commissioning?
It’s not just for testing at the end!
What is Commissioning? –During Design »Document Review of Basis of Design (BOD) »Helps Owner create the Owner’s Program Requirements (OPR) »Defines scope of commissioning »Performs Cx Review »Creates Cx Plan »Incorporates Cx reqm’t in the CDs
What is Commissioning? –During Construction »Update the Cx Plan and Schedule »Review control sequences »Update test procedures »Document construction observations »If performing Enhanced Cx: »reviews submittals against Cx Plan, BOD and OPR »develops systems/ O&M Manuals
What is Commissioning? –During Cx »Functional Performance Testing (FPT) »Documentation of deficiencies found »Retesting of deficiencies »If En Cx performed then training of O&M Personnel »Final Report
What is Commissioning? –Enhanced Cx Warranty »Returns within months to confirm systems are still working »Confirms adjustments for occupancy changes are made
Why Commission? Architect Elec. Contractor Mech. Contractor Elec. Engineer Mech Engineer General Contractor Typical Project Team Configuration Up to the Mid 1970’s
Why Commission? Gaps between disciplines result in: Poor coordination Lost details Costly change orders Delays in schedule Typical Project Team Configuration After the Mid 1970’s
Why Commission? Cx helps fill the gaps in coordination Cx encompasses “All” New Project Team Configuration with Commissioning
Why Commission? Setting clear, measurable goals for everyone –Verifies owner’s requirements are being met throughout the design and construction phases Establishing accountability –Changes the way people perform –Allows designers and contractors to measure success as well as deficiency Cx helps by:
Why Commission? Increases the Quality of the Process –Prevents/resolves problems –Designers focus on owner’s needs Discover/correct design issues early in design Improves specifications & design documents Reduces RFI’s & change orders Prioritize systems identified for early completion
Why Commission? Contractors focus on quality work –Improves submittal process –Provides resource for MEP coordination prior to construction –Catch problems at the start of installation –Test finished work to verify proper operability –Creates team atmosphere and accountability
Why Commission? Improves –Energy performance –Comfort –Air quality –Occupant productivity –Equipment life –Maintainability –Facility staff preparedness
Illustrative Relationships between Cx and energy efficiency measures
Why Commission? Report by Evan Mills with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MS , Berkeley, CA Prepared for: California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research (PIER)
Location of projects in the database SAMPLE 643 buildings -562 existing -82 new 99 million square feet $43 million investment 26 states
Type and size of buildings in database
Deficiencies discovered …
Payback times: new construction
Excellent outcomes for all bldg types
Why Commission? Risk Management -Ensures that a building owners get what they pay for -Provides insurance for policymakers and program managers that their initiatives actually meet targets -Detects and corrects problems that would eventually surface as far more costly maintenance or safety issues.
LEED Certification assures Glendale Community College that project’s meet the green goals you established Commissioning verifies that installed systems work properly and meet the defined criteria In Summary
Thank You. Blair Seibert, AIA, LEED AP, CSBA VERDE CONCEPTS Los Angeles