Washington NFIRS May 2012
The WFC began handling customer support July of The WFC changed the submittal process as of January 1 st, 2012 to be an upload based system. This means for those who were previously using third party software and ing their reports, they must now be set up to bulk upload.
HELP?!? Call the WFC at the WFC at Or visit the WFC website for FAQ’s & Cheat Sheets
What to expect when calling or ing the WFC: We will need your Name We will need your Department We may ask you for your FDID
Common issues the WFC solves: Account Creation Account Permission Updates Forgotten Passwords Locked account due to 3 or more Login Attempts Locked account due to 45 days or more since last login.
Common issues the WFC may connect you with FEMA Customer Support to solve: Software Incompatibility Issues Incident Errors that cannot be fixed. Bulk Upload Errors.
Software that allows you to participate in NFIRS: FEMA Client Tool DEBI Third Party Software (ie, Firehouse, Zoll, Emergency Reporting ect…)
FAQ’s about the FEMA Client Tool You must have an active user account to use the tool. The tool can be downloaded for free from the FEMA website. May operate with or without internet (online & offline mode)
FEMA CLIENT TOOL Demonstration
DEBI FAQ’s DEBI (Data Entry Browser Interface) is an online incident reporting tool. Must access from the FEMA website under Web Based Tools Allows for entry and reporting on incidents similar to the FEMA Client Tool.
DEBI Demonstration
SORT Tool - Running Reports You may run reports on your department’s incidents by navigating to the FEMA website ( and clicking “Web Based Tools” then “SORT” (Summary Output Reporting Tool)
Online Reports may assist with: Verifying your data was uploaded correctly. Viewing your total number of incidents for any given time. Searching for a specific number of incidents by Incident Type.
SORT Demonstration
Where can I find instructions for all of these utilities? On the WFC Website: Under “WAFIRS” On the FEMA Website:
New & Exciting updates from FEMA Available National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) tools from the United States Fire Administration (USFA) for fire departments: –Data Entry Browser Interface (DEBI) – allows fire departments to report incidents to the state and the United States Fire Administration using the web. –Summary Output Reports Tool (SORT) – allows fire departments to get summaries of their incidents (e.g., types of call, responses time, number of casualties) –Bulk Import Utility (BIU) – allows fire departments to validate a batch of incidents and send them to the national database. –Bulk Export Utility (BEU) – allows fire departments to download their incidents from the national database.
New & Exciting updates from FEMA Available resources from the USFA for fire departments: –NFIRS Complete Reference Manual –NFIRS Coding Question Manual –Paper forms for the NFIRS modules –NFIRS Support Center
New & Exciting updates from FEMA Tool in development for fire departments: –NFIRS Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) – allows fire departments to access any public released data in the national database
Online Fire Service Directory Demonstration