LISTENING AND SPEAKING LEARNING MATERIAL Subject: English Grade/Semester: IX/I Time Allotment: 4X40’ Compiled by Nur Hidayah
Activity 1 Look at the pictures below and then answer the questions follow! 1.What do you think of the pictures are all about? 2.What is being made?
ACTIVITY 2 Watch the video given by your teacher and shared your idea!
ACTIVITY 3 According to the recording, answer the question orally! 1.What is the recording about? 2.What is being made in the video? 3.Is the video telling you how to cook pasta? 4.In your opinion what is the type of the text?
ACTIVITY 4 Here are some words related to the video you’ve just heard. Listen to your teacher and repeat after her! Dish /dɪʃ/Salt /sɑːlt/Pot /pɒt/ pasta /ˈpæs.tə/ tongs /tɒŋz/ colander /ˈkʌl.ɪn.də r / Fill /fɪl/Add /æd/ tablespoon /ˈteɪ.bl ̩.spuːn/ twirling /ˈtwɜː.lɪŋ/
Procedure Text Spesific Purpose Procedure text help us do a task or tells how to make something Generic Structure : A procedure ussually consists of three main parts: Goal The final purpose of doing the instruction Materials Ingredients, utensils, equipment (OPTIONAL) Steps A set of instructions to achive the final purpose /explain how to do it
Language Feature of Procedure Text Use of Imperative sentence (short instruction) V1+ N e.g. (Cut the onion, don’t mix) Use of Present tense S + V1(s/es) e.g. (do you know how to make a cheese omlete?) Use of Actions Verb e.g. (Crack, whisk, add, pour, turn, etc.) Use of Sentence Connectors e.g. (First, Next, Second, Then, After that, etc.) Use of adverbial phrases (for five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top)
An Example of Procedure text Aim/Goal How to Boil An Egg Steps Do you know to boil an egg? Well, this is the way first, heat a saucepan of water on the stove. Second, put the egg in the boiling water. Then heat it until it boils. Next, cook it for three minutes. After that, leave the egg until it cools. Now the egg is ready to serve. Finally, serve it with pepper powder and salt.
ACTIVITY 5 According to The Previous Video You Have Watched Complete The Text Below How to cook Pasta Al Dente It’s evening or dining and you want your meal to come out perfect wether it is a (1) or (2) please you with pasta Al dente. You will need 8 qt. (3) qts. Water 2 tbsp. Salt 1 pound of pasta A (4) A timer A (5) Step 1(6) a large part with water five pots for every a pound of water. Step 2 Add a (7) or two of salt for every five pots depending on what your personal diet are allowed and bring the water into boil. Step 3 Put the pasta into a (8) water and twirle with the (9) for a few times in a first few minutes in cooking. (10) the pasta with tongs separates the noodles. And (11) the needs for the oil in the water. Step 4 After about five minutes do a taste test and if you bite into a noobles and see a white star line so you need another few minute. Step 5 Try a second (12) test bout two minutes later. The noodles should be firm in the outside and Soft in the inside Step 6 Use the calonder to dry in pasta. Transfer into bowl. Task with sause.... Al dente pasta is beter for people with diabetes.
ACTIVITY 6 Work in a group of three then arrange the picture according to the monologue given. a.a. b. d. c. g. f. e.
ACTIVITY 7 According to the monologue, arrange the sentence into a good text telling six rules of making a good pasta! 1.Now carefully lift the pot with some potfolders and dry the pasta in the shrink. Don’t forget the calander. That’s it. just add some sauce and enjoy your pasta. 2.There Are six rules you need to follow to make a perfect pasta 3.Boil a lots of water at least four pots for one pound of pasta, you should cover the pot so the water comes for boil so quickly. 4.Cook the pasta uncovered for no longer than it saya on the packet, give it a taste to see if it is tender. 5.Use a really big pot, otherwise all your pasta will stick together when you cook it 6.Put in your pasta and bring the pot back to a boil 7.Add 2 tablespoon salt to the pot after the water comes for boil 8.We should give an additional stir.
ACTIVITY 8 Vocabulary Here are some vocabulary to help you understanding the monologue Cut :Memotong Fold :membungkus Mix :Mencampur Pour :Menuangkan Boil :Merebus Add :Menambahkan Fragrant : aroma Sugar : gula Flavor : rasa Pronounciation Practice to pronounce those now. Cut /kʌt/ Fold /fəʊld/ Mix /mɪks/ Pour /’po;/ Boil /’boIl/ Add /æd/ Fragrant /’freigrənt/ Sugar /’ ʃʊgə/ Flavor /’fleivə/ Soak/’s əʊk/ Here are some words related to the video you’ve just heard. Listen to your teacher and repeat after her!.
ACTIVITY 9 Listen to your teacher. your teacher will tell you about How to make Banana Mini Muffins.Work in group of four to discuss the content of the monologue. Retell the monologue in your own word to your friends.
ACTIVITY 10 Instruction : Imagine you have a little sister has homework to write a procedure text about how to cook fried rice. In several sentences, articulate and construct the sentence to produce the text! You may use the words, pour, add, heat, melt, crack. Then, record your monologue you can use any media, ask your family members or friend to help you.