BELLWORK MONDAY 3/7 1.What do you know about calories? 2.Do you ever consider the amount of calories when selecting food? Why or why not? 3.What are you favorite foods to order out and why? 4.Phones and computers put away the bell.
What is the most serious public health issue today? THINK, PAIR, SHARE
CHILDREN AND YOUTH 17% of children/youth ages 2-19 are obese.
Fruits Vegetables Grains Proteins Dairy FOOD GROUPS
Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or other cereal grains Bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, and grits Grains give us energy and keep our digestive system healthy. GRAINS
Proteins serve as the “building blocks” for: bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, blood, enzymes, hormones and vitamins. Proteins include: meat, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, eggs, nuts, and seeds Proteins provide calories (energy). HEALTH BENEFITS OF PROTEINS
Eating/drinking dairy products is linked to improved bone health – especially during childhood and adolescence. Eating/drinking dairy products may also reduce the risk of some diseases (osteoporosis; heart disease; type 2 diabetes). HEALTH BENEFITS OF DAIRY PRODUCTS
CALORIES “It all seems to revolve around calories” Calories are the measure of energy a food or beverage provides—from the carbohydrate, fat, and protein it contains. Calories are the fuel you need to work and play. When choosing what to eat and drink, it's important to get the right mix—enough nutrients, but not too many calories.
THE AMOUNT OF CALORIES YOU SHOULD EAT EVERY DAY DEPENDS ON A FEW THINGS: Age, weight, daily activity level, and height If you want to lose, maintain or gain weight On average, the recommend caloric intake is 2,700 calories per day for men and 2,200 for women.
PORTION SIZES People are consuming many more calories than they used to. Portion sizes in restaurants, both fast food ones as well as elegant places, are far greater today.
RESTAURANTS AND CALORIES Many restaurants are required to post nutritional information for their foods, including the number of calories. But what does “550 calories” really mean?
DISCUSS “How long do you think LeBron James would have to play basketball to burn off all the calories in a Big Mac?” What are some factors that might determine how long it would take someone to burn off calories? Do you think everyone burns the same number of calories when they exercise? Why or why not?
BURNING CALORIES There are three essential things to consider: their body, the type of exercise, and the duration of exercise. Lets calculate how many calories people with different body types (including LeBron) will burn per minute while performing a variety of activities.
GO TO MY WEBSITE UNDER NUTRITION Click on the link and go to Q2. Complete the chart by clicking on the empty cells. Fill in this information on your worksheet. Next, Skip to Q4 on the site and follow the directions to fill out your worksheet. We will listen to Q5 together info/teach
Q5 CLIP (Before listening to the clip) Do you think posting calories will have an effect on the foods people order? When you go to a fast food restaurant, do you pay attention to how many calories the foods contain? Do you know how many calories you’re supposed to eat in a day? Would rewriting nutritional information in terms of exercise have an effect on what you order?
Instead of knowing calories, it might be more helpful to know the minutes of exercise it would take someone to burn off a Big Mac extra value meal. But what does that mean for YOU? What if you are a 130-pound swimmer who likes Taco Bell? What if you are a 90-pound wrestler who loves salads from Panera? What if you want to know whether you will burn off that cafeteria mac-n-cheese during field hockey practice this afternoon? Lets explore how long it would take you (or someone close to you) to burn off some of your favorite foods.
CREATING A MENU WITH AMOUNT OF EXERCISE NEEDED TO BURN OFF THE CALORIES! Create a menu (you can either pick from your favorite restaurant or create your own) Have a picture of the food item and then display the amount of exercise (in time) it would take for someone your size (weight) to burn it off. Use the website to explore different exercises. If playing soccer burns.076 calories per lb and I weigh 130 lbs, I would multiple.076 x 130 = 9.88 calories in one minute A Chicken bowl at chipotle has 640 calories. Divde 9.88 by 640 and you get 65 minutes of playing soccer to burn that bowl of chicken from chipotle!
EXIT TICKET On 2 separate post-it notes: 1.What is one think you learned about calories/energy today? 2.What else are you curious about? Stick these to the cabinet on your way out!
SUPERTRACKER! (LINK ON MY WEBSITE) You will compare foods for their calories, sugars, sodium, and fat. 1 st : Create your profile 2 nd : Create a full meal of “eat this, not this” with the information you find on the food-a-pedia.