History of Sport in America SEP 271 Jack C. Watson II.


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Presentation transcript:

History of Sport in America SEP 271 Jack C. Watson II

Topical Outline Reason for study of sport history Pre-Colonial America Colonial America Technological and Industrial revolutions Post Civil War The 20th Century Summary

Why is the History of Sport Important? To truly understand the sociology of sport, it is first important to understand the history of sport. How sport was developed How sport was affected by the historical, cultural and social traditions of the time period

Pre-Colonial America Population spread widely across the country Physical Activity and games were very important, and often linked to spiritual beliefs Common Sports: lacrosse, archery, running Staying fit was very important

Colonial America (1600s-1800’s) Religion (Puritanism) Hard work (to stay alive, and for religious purposes) Sport was most prevalent in remote areas Sport mirrored the challenges of the times and region –horse racing, shooting, cockfighting

Industrial Revolution (1800s) Factories developed Population moved into the city New recreation needed More time and money available Horse racing still popular

Technological and Industrial Revolutions (late 1700s- 1861) Increased technology Increased recreation time because production was faster People moved to cities Travel was faster and easier: –18th century, boat and horse and walking –Steam engine (1807) for boats and railroad Very important for organized sports

Technological and Industrial Revolutions (late 1700s- 1861) (cont…) Communication was faster –Telegraph 1844 (transmit scores) –Printing improvements (faster printing, more coverage) Population expands west Big companies are formed Immigrants brought their own sports Modern spectator sports rise (boxing, running, horse racing)

Post Civil War ( ) Civil War slowed sporting activities Even more movement towards cities More time and money available New working structure was seen as “femanizing” society (make it soft). –Sports helped to “masculinize” society Sport became very class specific –Upper class tried to exclude lower classes –Different sports adopted by different classes

Post Civil War ( ) (Cont…) African Americans no longer accepted in sport Muscular Christianity Social Philosophy (Social Darwinism) Rise of Intercollegiate Athletics –First event in 1852, many events 1870’s Society became highly attached to the sport industry

Post Civil War ( ) (Cont…) Corporate involvement in sport Lots of money for sport and fitness 1870’s, cameras got smaller and better Telephone invented in 1876 The light bulb was invented in 1879 Sport is accessible to all??????

The 20th Century Period of dramatic sport growth Corporate Sport and health push –More $ spent on sports equipment than by all schools Improved Equipment Social Involvement Technology (lights, communication, broadcast) Part of educational system

The 20th Century (Cont…) Transportation (Internal Combustion Engine) –Cars, faster trains, and planes –Opened up more availability to sport, and more sports Communication –Radio –Television

Major Factors Affecting Sport In your Mind, what was the major factor affecting sport during each of the following periods? –Pre-Colonial America –Colonial America –Technological and Industrial revolutions –Post Civil War –The 20th Century