Christianity and Islam
1)World’s most widely distributed (diffused) religion and largest by number of followers 2) Regional distribution: 37% in the Americas; 26% in Europe; 24% in sub-Saharan Africa; 13% in Asia 3)Africa and Asia are the fastest growing regions of Christianity
1) Based on the teachings of Jesus (circa 3 BC – 30 AD)
Jesus Christ took on the sins of humanity when He died on the cross so that whoever believes in His death and resurrection and accepts Him as their Lord and Savior is redeemed from sin and given eternal life
1)Missionaries first spread Christianity as they traveled throughout the major cities of the Roman Empire 2)Constantine was Rome’s first Christian Emperor (313) and Emperor Theodosius made it Rome’s official religion in 380 (hierarchical diffusion) 3)Since 1500: Christianity spread through relocation (colonialism and migration) and contagious (missionary activity) diffusion
a) Oldest denomination of Christianity and largest denomination of any religion in the world b) Based in Vatican City (Rome) and headed by the Pope c) Predominant in South and East Europe and Latin America d) United States: Northeast (Irish, Italians), Louisiana (French), southwest (Latinos)
Pope Francis I
a) Broke off from the Catholic Church during Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation in the 16 th century b) Predominant in NW Europe and North America c) United States: Lutherans in north, Methodists in midwest, Baptists in south
a) Based in Greece/Turkey (Byzantium) and headed by the Patriarch b) Predominant in Eastern Europe, Russia, and the Middle East c) Largest denomination is Russian Orthodox
Orthodox Cross Patriarch Bartholomew I
1) Christmas: Celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25 th 2) Easter: Celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection
1)Churches often have steeples to symbolize reaching toward God 2)Traditionally built in the middle of towns to show importance as religious and social center of the community
1) Second largest religion and fastest growing a)Global Muslim population is forecast to have an average annual growth rate of 1.5% compared with 0.7% for non-Muslims b)In US, Muslim population will more than double from 2.6 million (0.8% of population) in 2010 to 6.2 million (1.7%) in 2030 because of immigration and higher-than- average TFR among Muslims. 2) Muslims predominantly live in Pacific Asia (62%), Middle East/North Africa (20%), and sub-Saharan Africa (15%)
1) Based on the teachings of Mohammed (circa 570 – 632)
a) Shahadah: Declaration of faith in Allah as the one true god and Mohammed is his prophet b) Salah: Five prayer times a day towards Mecca c) Zakat: Charity to be given to the mosque for the poor and needy d) Sawm: Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan (9 th month) e) Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca once in your lifetime
1)When Mohammed died, he had only daughters and had not named a successor => 10-year battle was waged over who should be caliph (“successor of the prophet”) a)Shi’ites claimed that the caliph must be from the bloodline of Mohammed => backed his cousin and son- in-law Ali b)Sunnis argued that the position should go to the most worthy Muslim regardless of bloodline => backed Mohammed’s father-in-law and closest advisor, Abu Bakr
2)By the time of Mohammed’s death in 632, Islam had diffused throughout most of present-day Saudi Arabia along the trade routes (contagious) 3)Spread by military conquest over large areas of Africa, Asia, and Europe (relocation and hierarchical); later by Arab traders into Africa and Southeast Asia (relocation and contagious)
1) Sunni: Majority of Muslims; centered in Saudi Arabia (80-90%) 2) Shi’ite/Shia: Centered in Iran with most living in Iran or Iraq
Birthplace of Mohammed and location of Islam’s holiest object, the Ka’aba (a cube-like structure in the center of the Great Mosque, al- Haram al-Sharif)
1) Ramadan: Month of fasting ending with Eid al-Fitr 2) Al-Hijra/Muharram: Muslim New Year
Mosques with minarets (representing the vertical relationship between heaven and earth)
1)Sharia Law: Strict Islamic law that does not separate church and state and is based on the Qur’an 2)Theocracy: A state ruled by religious, not political, leaders 3)Imam: Leader of a mosque (Shia will often use the term mullah)