CODEFEST CHALLENGE: Social Currency Exchange App Volunteering Refreshed
Our vision: Organizations, volunteers, and businesses are empowered to better support each other and their communities. We want to make it possible for all people to collaboratively give and gain from each other. Organizations Businesses Volunteers
Organizations Businesses Volunteers Challenge: Build an app that digitizes our social currency exchange 1 hour served = 1 credit
“1,003 households say they will volunteer to make the Northside a better place.” Goal: Offer rewarding volunteer experiences to anyone on the Northside “51% of respondents say they’ll volunteer 2 hours a month to support the community.” #involveNorthside *One Northside Initiative
Information/Data NonprofitVolunteer Business Volunteer interest Customer Trends Visibility Brand Content Generatio n Spending/ Earning Engagement Social Media Impact Leveraged for funding & community development initiatives
Get Involved! Customer Trends Visibility Brand Let us know how you’d like to make a /joininvolvemint Join our team or advisory committee! Stay tuned for more to come!