Parallel Sentence Structure Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance.Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance.
Parallel Sentences Sentences must be built using parallel or equally designed or balanced words, phrases, or clauses.Sentences must be built using parallel or equally designed or balanced words, phrases, or clauses.
Gerund Example ing ing ingMary likes hiking, swimming, and skiing. This uses the -ing form of verbs gerunds. -ing form of verbs as nouns; these words are called gerunds.
Hiking, swimming, and skiing are all written in the same –ing (gerund) form.Hiking, swimming, and skiing are all written in the same –ing (gerund) form. Hiking, swimming, and skiing are equally designed.Hiking, swimming, and skiing are equally designed. Hiking, swimming, and skiing are balanced in their forms.Hiking, swimming, and skiing are balanced in their forms. This IS parallel structure!This IS parallel structure!
Infinitive Phrase Example Mary likes to hike, to swim, and to ski.Mary likes to hike, to swim, and to ski. To hike, to swim, and to ski are all infinitive phrases.To hike, to swim, and to ski are all infinitive phrases.
An infinitive phrase is simply a verb with the word “to” in front of it.An infinitive phrase is simply a verb with the word “to” in front of it. To hike, to swim, and to ski are equally designed and balanced in their structure.To hike, to swim, and to ski are equally designed and balanced in their structure. This IS parallel structure!This IS parallel structure!
The following slide will give an example of a sentence that is NOT parallel.The following slide will give an example of a sentence that is NOT parallel. After reading it, tell your seat partner why it is not parallel. Then fix the sentence so that it becomes parallel.After reading it, tell your seat partner why it is not parallel. Then fix the sentence so that it becomes parallel.
NOT Parallel Structure! Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ski.Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ski.
Parallel Structure Mary likes hiking, swimming, and skiing. Mary likes hiking, swimming, and skiing. OR OR Mary likes to hike, to swim, and to ski. Mary likes to hike, to swim, and to ski.
Parallel Thesis Structure You must also design your 3 thesis reasons using parallel or “equally designed” words, phrases, or clauses.You must also design your 3 thesis reasons using parallel or “equally designed” words, phrases, or clauses.
Spring Break Thesis OJR should lengthen its spring break to ten days so that students and teachers can rest, families can take spring vacations together, and students and teachers can catch up on schoolwork and grading. OJR should lengthen its spring break to ten days so that students and teachers can rest, families can take spring vacations together, and students and teachers can catch up on schoolwork and grading.
Note the parallel structure of the 3 reasons. Each one is written as a verb phrase that begins with the helping verb can: 1. students and teachers can rest 2. families can take vacations together 3. students and teachers can catch up
Anti-Snack Thesis Students should not be allowed to consume snacks or drinks during all classes because it would be distracting, fattening, and messy.Students should not be allowed to consume snacks or drinks during all classes because it would be distracting, fattening, and messy.
Note the parallel structure of the 3 reasons. Each is written as a single word--in this case, asan adjectiveNote the parallel structure of the 3 reasons. Each is written as a single word--in this case, as an adjective: DistractingDistracting FatteningFattening MessyMessy
Anti-Smoking Thesis People should not smoke because it is a health hazard, a fire hazard, and a waste of hard-earned money.People should not smoke because it is a health hazard, a fire hazard, and a waste of hard-earned money.
a noun phrase Note the parallel structure of the 3 reasons. Each one is written as a noun phrase and begins with the article “a”: 1. a health hazard, 2. a fire hazard 3. a waste of hard-earned money.
Here come 3 more examples of well-designed thesis statements that use parallel structure.Here come 3 more examples of well-designed thesis statements that use parallel structure.
What makes it parallel? School uniforms should be mandatory in public schools because it would eliminate the problem of students dressing inappropriately, it would lessen student competition to be the best-dressed, and it would encourage students to focus more on their studies.School uniforms should be mandatory in public schools because it would eliminate the problem of students dressing inappropriately, it would lessen student competition to be the best-dressed, and it would encourage students to focus more on their studies.
What makes it parallel? Although steroids are available, athletes should not be allowed to use them because they are addictive, they can be harmful to the body if not used properly, and they give players an unfair advantage.Although steroids are available, athletes should not be allowed to use them because they are addictive, they can be harmful to the body if not used properly, and they give players an unfair advantage.
What makes it parallel? Homework should not be assigned because students have other important commitments after school, most homework lacks true academic value, and daily leisure time improves a teenager’s general outlook on life.Homework should not be assigned because students have other important commitments after school, most homework lacks true academic value, and daily leisure time improves a teenager’s general outlook on life.
Exit Ticket 1. Explain to your seat partner what parallel structure means. 2. Together, design a thesis statement in favor of Mrs. Gabage giving you Dum- Dums every single day. Include 3 parallel reasons in your thesis.