How to set this up… Draw the following table on a sheet of blank paper. This will serve as your study guide for the test. On the slides following you will see… The stem and its definition at the top of the slide. The association word and its definition below. StemStem DefinitionAssociation Word and Definition
Hypo (under) Hypothecate (verb): to pledge as security The bank hypothecated the stocks as security
Hetero (different), dox (opinion) Heterodox (adjective): unorthodox He was criticized for his heterodox opinions.
Pater (father) Paterfamilias (noun): male head of family Please consult with the paterfamilias.
Put (think) Putative (adjective): thought-to-be He was the putative leader of the mafia.
Ver (true) Aver (verb): To affirm or declare He averred his love for her on Valentine’s Day.
Mega (large) Megaton (noun): force of a million tons of dynamite The megaton bomb flattened the town.
Sangui (blood), froid (cold) Sangfroid (noun): cold-blooded composure She performed with sangfroid during the emergency.
Alter (other), ego (I) Alter ego (noun): second self Superman’s alter ego was Clark Kent.
Alter (other), tion (act or state) Altercation (noun): heated dispute The teacher heard the noisy altercation and ran to the hallway.
Contra (against), Ven (come) Contravene (verb): go against, contradict Do not contravene a command intentionally.
Con (together), Flu (flow) Confluence (verb): A flowing together The U.S. is a confluence of many peoples and cultures.
Circum (around), loqu (talk), tion (act or state) Circumlocution (noun): talking in circles His circumlocution of the issue angered the audience.
Sol (alone), Loqu (talk) Soliloquy (noun): speech to oneself The actor’s soliloquy was the best part of the play.
Moll (soft), Fy (make) Mollify (verb): to make soft (literally or abstractly) We mollified his anger and avoided an altercation.
Greg (group), Ous (full of) Gregarious (Adjective): sociable The warm host had a gregarious personality.
This week’s assignment… choose five association words from the presentation that you are most unfamiliar with write a sentence using the word in a way that it is clear you understand the meaning Bad sentence: The man is possessive. This is a bad sentence because a man can be “tall” or “short” or “mean” or “ugly”. You telling me he is possessive is no different and does not display your knowledge of the word. Good sentence: The woman’s husband was very possessive and always sat nearby when she was out with friends. This is a good sentence because it is evidence through your example of his possessive behavior that you understand the meaning of the word. You will have five sentences to turn in on Friday.