How to set this up… Draw the following table on a sheet of blank paper. This will serve as your study guide for the test. On the slides following you will see… The stem and its definition at the top of the slide. The association word and its definition below. StemStem DefinitionAssociation Word and Definition
i (plural) Alumni: a person who has attended or graduated from a particular school, college, or university. The alumni association raised more money than all of the freshman classes put together.
jus (law) Justify: to prove or show to be just, right or reasonable. The teacher had to justify her reasons for assigning homework on the first day of school.
lum (light) Illuminate: brightened with light; spiritually or intellectually enlightened. I asked her to shed some light on the situation, and her explanation was illuminating.
ann (year) Annual: covering a period of a year; occurring or happening every year or once a year. The Food Drive is Sanderson’s annual service project.
apo (away), log (word or reason), ize (make) Apologize: to make an apology. After my sister apologized, I told her she would have to make it up to me.
sen (old) Senility: the physical and mental infirmity of old age. My grandmother’s senility often frustrates her nurses.
sol (alone), tude (state of) Solitude: quality or state of being alone or remote from society. When children have temper tantrums, they are often punished with a moment of solitude.
bas (low) Basic: of, relating to, or forming the base or essence. Because my math scores were low on my college entrance exam, I was placed in College Algebra, which was a basic math class.
inter (within), rogat (ask), tion (act or state) Interrogation: to question formally and systematically; to give or send out a signal for triggering an appropriate response. During the interrogation, Ellie was confused by the rapid questioning.
parl (speak) Parliament: a formal conference for the discussion of public affairs. Parliament members are often well known for their speaking skills.
potent (power) Potential: existing in possibility; capable of development into actuality. Many people do not live up to their potentials.
surg (rise) Surge: to rise and fall actively. The power surge was caused by an unexpected rise in the power levels.
pro (forward), gram (writing) Program: brief usually printed outline of the order to be followed, or the features to be presented, and the persons participating. The program guide gave us a sneak peak into the day’s activities.
cant (sing) Cantata: a composition for one or more voices. The cantata was a musical celebration for the Christmas season.
reg (rule) Regulatory: to govern or direct according to rule. The regulatory committee created the rules for all of the Olympic events.
gyn (woman) Androgynous: having the characteristics of both male and female. Pat is an androgynous name because a man or woman could have that name.
ag (to do) Agile: marked by ready ability to move quick with easy grace. The agile wide receiver was able to outrun each of his opponents.
re (again), act (to do) Reaction: a response to treatment, situation, or stimulus. He reacted to her scream by running away.
im (not), mob (move) Immobilize: to prevent freedom of movement or effective use of. The woman was immobilized after a terrible accident.
sess (sit) Possessive: of, relating to, or constituting a word, a word group, or a grammatical case that denotes ownership or a relation analogous to ownership. The woman’s husband was very possessive and always sat nearby when she was out with friends.
nounce (tell) Announcement: a public notification or declaration. The announcement informed me that I would have a meeting today.
This week’s assignment… choose five association words from the presentation that you are most unfamiliar with write a sentence using the word in a way that it is clear you understand the meaning Bad sentence: The man is possessive. This is a bad sentence because a man can be “tall” or “short” or “mean” or “ugly”. You telling me he is possessive is no different and does not display your knowledge of the word. Good sentence: The woman’s husband was very possessive and always sat nearby when she was out with friends. This is a good sentence because it is evidence through your example of his possessive behavior that you understand the meaning of the word. You will have five sentences to turn in on Friday.