How Is DNA Structured?
DNA is shaped like a twisted ladder, or double helix.
Genetic information is stored in the ‘rungs’ of the ‘ladder’.
Each rung is made of two nitrogenous bases that are paired together. Nitrogenous Base Nitrogenous Base Pair
But how are the ‘rungs’ joined together?
The nitrogenous bases are joined together by hydrogen bonds (circled in red).
The nitrogenous bases are named: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine
Like most things, not all nitrogenous bases pair successfully with one another. Worst. Date. EVER.
Instead, nitrogenous bases are paired together in specific ways.
Thymine and adenine pair with each other. Cytosine and g uanine pair with each other.
Having trouble remembering that? These guys can help!
T im A llen: T hymine and A denine G eorge C looney: G uanine and C ytosine Tim Allen George Clooney
Or a more scientific explanation…
Adenine and Guanine are Purines (and pair with pyrimidines) Cytosine and Thymine are Pyrimidines (and pair with purines) Note: 2-ring structure Note: 1-ring structure
Handrails are important, too! (especially in the structure of DNA)
The ‘handrails’ of the DNA structure are sugar-phosphate backbones.
These backbones consist of alternating deoxyribose sugar and phosphate molecules. Note how the nitrogenous bases (G, C, T, A) are covalently bonded to the sugar in the backbones.
These three parts: 1. deoxyribose 2. nitrogenous base 3. phosphate group … together form a structural unit of DNA called a nucleotide.
The sugar-phosphate backbones travel in opposite directions. 3’ 5’
Collectively, these are the basic structural components of DNA.
Nitrogenous Base Hydrogen Bond Sugar-Phosphate Backbones Nitrogenous Base Pair Covalent Bond
The End
Image Citations Slide 1: Slides 2,3,4,16,20,21: line/lifecycle/135.asp Slide 5: Slides 6,7: ndertype=figure&id=A8 Slide 8: Slide 9: Slide 10: Slides 11,12,22: older-is-better-than-being-dead-george-clooney-on-career-and-aging/ and Slide 14: Slide 15: Slides 17,18,19: dmore.html line/lifecycle/135.asp ndertype=figure&id=A older-is-better-than-being-dead-george-clooney-on-career-and-aging/ dmore.html