Welcome Class of 2019 Central Bucks High School South Curriculum Fair
Central Bucks South is Divided into Three “Houses” CB South Projected Enrollment Sophomore House 604 Junior House 582 Senior House 631
Sophomore House Class of 2019 Principal Dr. Scott Davidheiser House Principal Mr. Matthew Gale Counselors Mr. Kerry Monk (A-L) Mrs. Ginny Barrett (M-Z)
Titan Forum… Meets daily with same faculty mentor all 3 years Goals : To build a stronger school community To personalize experiences To increase awareness of student academic performance To decrease the number of discipline referrals To foster relationships with peers and faculty To promote an awareness of diversity and tolerance To promote peaceful conflict resolution To promote character development To decrease isolation so that all students feel accepted
What goes on during Titan Forum each day? Discussions on current issues, school policy review, character enrichment, school activities and organizations, etc. Career Plan Guidance Activities: Program Planning, Career Exploration, Conflict Resolution, Transition Activities… Standardized Testing Information
Career Plan A natural 3 year progression aligned with student developmental goals All students will earn.25 credit upon completion Grade 10: Career exploration utilizing surveys Grade 11 : Career Plan Essay to be completed and graded in English class. Grade 12 : Resume and job application
Program Planning Sequence of Events: Curriculum Fair January 6 th Portal open for registration from January 12 th – February 7 st Middle school counselors meet with students Verification sheets sent home for review March 9 th & parent signature due March 14 th Schedules posted late August on Student Portal
Graduation Requirements (pg. 3) 6
All sophomores must schedule the following credits: English …………………. 1.0 credit Social Studies ……… 1.0 credit Mathematics ………. 1.0 credit Biology ………………… 1.0 credit Wellness / Fitness … 0.5 credit * some may need more * *Study halls are OK and may occur, especially for students who schedule a music elective. Scheduling Considerations
The “Block Schedule” All classes are 90 minutes in length. Four classes per day. 8 credits maximum each year.
Advantages of the “block schedule” More instructional time Limits passing time from class to class Opportunity for quality interaction in classrooms Variety of methods of instruction are utilized during one class period More courses can be selected throughout the year; “doubling up” for advancement or remediation is possible “Fresh start” opportunity every 9 or 18 weeks
Full Day Sophomore Schedule with the maximum 8 credits
Full Day Sophomore Schedule (example 7.5/8.0 credits)
MBIT/Half Day Sophomore Schedule
How is the master schedule built? Courses are “requested” with recommendations from current teachers. The number of course sections and staffing is determined based on these requests. Courses are offered only if there is sufficient enrollment. Counselors work to resolve schedule conflicts; alternates are often utilized! There is no priority within alternate choices. Registration is course selection, not schedule design and is not “first come – first served”.
Course Change Policy Firm district policy Changes are limited to pre- requisite issues, course misplacement, or course failure.
Entering Course Requests Register for course requests on Student Portal. Tuesday January 12 th -Sunday February 7 th Use Program of Studies descriptions & videos. Level changes must be approved and entered by your middle school counselor by the end of the year.
Does 9 th grade count? The grades you earn in grade 9 count just as much toward your cumulative GPA as 10, 11, or 12. Make the effort now so that you won’t have to make up ground in 10 th or 11 th grade.
Central Bucks DistrictTranscript Statistics CENTRAL BUCKS SOUTH HS Official Transcript 1100 FOLLY ROAD, WARRINGTON, PA Grade 09 UNAMI/TAMANEND MS Course Mark Credit ENGLISH 9 C US HISTORYC ALG 2/TRIG B SCIENCE 9 B FRENCH 2 B COOKINGF D DESIGND FITNESS/HEALTH 9 A Performance Assmt PR Grade 11 CB SOUTH HS Course Mark Credit English 11 A AM GOV ECON SYS A1.000 PSYCHOLOGY B PRECALC/TRG3 A ACAD CHEMISTRY A FRENCH 4 B ACCOUNTING B HUM DEV:CHILD A0.500 Lifetime Sports A Grade 10 CB SOUTH HS Course Mark Credit ENGLISH 10 B JOURNALISM B MOD WRLD HIST B GEOM/TRG A ACAD BIOLOGY B FRENCH 3 B INTRO to COMP PROG A JAVA A WELL/FIT 10 A PHOTOGRAPHY 1 A PSSA and Keystone Scores page 2 9 th th th 3.77 CUMULATIVE GPA 3.41 Attendance Grade 9: 19 Grade 10: 2 Grade 11: 0
Self Advocacy Second chance learning Initiating after school help (no resource time in HS) Expectations for student communication with teachers Honors different than Advanced
Useful Resources Guidance Web Page Go to CB South HS & click on Guidance for Program of Studies and updates. Class of 2019 House Principal Mr. Matthew Gale Class of 2019 School Counselors Mr. Kerry Monk Mrs. Ginny Barrett
Part 2 of the evening will address questions Teachers & department coordinators from each discipline, as well as representatives from MBIT will be in the gym. School counselors will also be available to answer your questions. Activity Fair featuring student clubs/organizations is being held in the cafeteria.
Thank you for joining us! Please proceed to the gymnasium for Part 2 of the Curriculum Fair Thank you.