Miami Dade County Mosquito Control Miami Dade County Mosquito Control
Important Mosquitos Species in Miami-Dade Aedes taeniorhynchus The Black Salt Marsh Mosquito Breeds in the mangrove areas and can disperse from 10 to 30 miles aided by the wind Very aggressive and bites any time of the day Does not transmit diseases to humans but can transmit dog heartworm Typically controlled by ULV ground and aerial spray applications.
Important Mosquitos Species in Miami-Dade Aedes aegypti The Yellow Fever mosquito Most prevalent species in urban areas Breeds in containers, bromeliads, and tree holes Transmits yellow fever, Dengue Fever, Chikungunya and Zika Active at dawn and dusk Flights are for very short distances, less than one city block from the breeding location Typically controlled by source reduction and handheld spray treatments
Important Mosquitos Species in Miami-Dade Aedes albopictus The Asian Tiger Mosquito Its life cycle is closely associated with human habitation Breeds in containers in undeveloped tracks of land, urban and suburban. May be a vector of Zika virus Active dawn & dusk Typically controlled by source reduction and handheld spray treatments
Mosquito Control Standard Operating Procedures Inspectors assigned zones throughout the County and conduct inspections based on residents’ reports of mosquito nuisances Inspectors conduct storm drain treatment in assigned zone Inspection activities include identifying potential breeding sources at a property and/or surrounding properties “Drain and Cover” informational door hanger is left behind at locations where mosquito-breeding is found Inspectors apply insecticide using hand-held spray units, to the surrounding vegetation where mosquito-breeding activity is confirmed Countywide, when surveillance data indicates that mosquito counts exceed established thresholds, truck and aerial spraying activities are implemented and continue as necessary
Procedure for Suspected and Confirmed Cases of Mosquito-borne Illnesses Florida Department of Health notifies Mosquito Control of a suspected or confirmed case of a mosquito-borne illness Inspectors follow the established procedure in area surrounding the case Conduct property inspections to eliminate mosquito breeding Treat storm drains in the area Perform “barrier treatments” whenever possible Initiate focal and area-wide insecticide applications “Drain and Cover” informational door hanger is left behind at all locations in the area of inspection Surveillance data collected to assess the mosquito population pre and post implementation of control measures Collect mosquitoes for laboratory screening to determine if they carry the mosquito-borne viruses (locally transmitted)
Mosquito Control Tips: Drain and Cover Drain any standing water around the yard to include Garbage cans, coolers, flower pots Rain gutters, birdbaths, Vegetation such as bromeliads Pet dishes Pails, toys, kiddy pools Discard old tires, drums, broken appliances or other items that can hold water Cover your skin with shoes, socks, long pants and long sleeves Apply mosquito repellents containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR3535 to exposed skin Cover doors and windows with screens Call 311 to report a nuisance or suspected nuisance