West Hills Middle School Ninth Grade Guidance
Looking Back… How did you like your Reality Town experience? How did you like your Reality Town experience? How many of you wish your income was higher? How many of you wish your income was higher? How many of you would have preferred a working spouse? How many of you would have preferred a working spouse? Did you like someone else deciding how many children you had? Did you like someone else deciding how many children you had?
Looking Forward.. Would you like more income options in real life? Would you like more income options in real life? With your spouse, would you prefer deciding whether or not they work? With your spouse, would you prefer deciding whether or not they work? How many of you would have preferred to decide how many children you have? How many of you would have preferred to decide how many children you have? Would you like to have the option of planning your own future? Would you like to have the option of planning your own future?
It’s time to start… This is the time to make good decisions, do the best you can in school, and plan for the future you want!
What future should you start planning? A. Fixing my hair so it will look good until the end of 7th period. A. Fixing my hair so it will look good until the end of 7th period. B. Making plans for Friday night B. Making plans for Friday night C. My life after high school C. My life after high school
How can I start planning now? By participating in the SEOP (Student Education Occupation Plan) part of the West Hills Comprehensive Guidance Program By participating in the SEOP (Student Education Occupation Plan) part of the West Hills Comprehensive Guidance Program The goal of Comprehensive Guidance is to help students finish school with the necessary skills to be successful in the workplace, technical school, college or university
Why start planning now? It is all about skills… 1. High skills lead to high wages 2. Skills can be learned in high school that will get you a good paying job 3. The more skills you have the more options you have!
The Steps That Lead to Success Know what credits you need to graduate from high school Know what credits you need to graduate from high school Choose electives that will help you reach your goals during high school and after Choose electives that will help you reach your goals during high school and after Check your plan every year Check your plan every year Know your options Know your options
Let’s get started with graduation! Language Arts - 4 credits Language Arts - 4 credits Social Studies credits Social Studies credits Math - 3 credits Math - 3 credits Science - 3 credits Science - 3 credits Computer Technology -.5 credits Computer Technology -.5 credits Health -.5 credits P.E credits Arts 1.5 credits Career Technology Education - 1 credit Financial Literacy -.5 credits Electives - 10 credits = 27 TOTAL CREDITS
What Electives Do I Take? That depends on a number of factors That depends on a number of factors --Your interests --Your interests --Your career goals -- Your post high school plans
How can I make a plan? You have a lot of information that can help you in planning effectively You have a lot of information that can help you in planning effectively Personality type Academic testing (End of Course, ITBS) Grades Talents Skills Interests Input from your parents
MOST IMPORTANT… Planning gives you control of your future!
Let’s start planning… POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS --Attend college or university --Attend technical or vocational school --On the Job Training or Apprenticeship --Military Service (Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines) --Join the workforce --Volunteer or religious service
S.M.A.R.T. Goals S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Realistic T = Time-bound
Set a short-term SMART goal School Related School Related --Attain a specific G.P.A. --Have no more than 2 absences 3rd quarter --Make the CHHS softball/baseball team this Spring Personal or Family --Spend 1 hour with my family 3 times a week --Clean my room daily for one month --Read 15 minutes to my younger sibling 5 times a week
Dream Big! Fill in 2 occupations that you are considering.
Academies At CHHS Areas of study at Copper Hills Areas of study at Copper Hills Chance to explore career area Chance to explore career area More personalized learning environment More personalized learning environment
Visual and Performing Arts This academy includes courses for students interested in creative production of ideas and development of student talents. Core subjects encourage creative expression and matching talents with career paths. This academy includes courses for students interested in creative production of ideas and development of student talents. Core subjects encourage creative expression and matching talents with career paths.
Visual and Performing Arts Dancer Dancer Choreographer Choreographer Actor Actor Dance Teacher/Professor Dance Teacher/Professor Broadcaster Broadcaster Entertainer/Singer Entertainer/Singer Craft Artist Craft Artist
Technical and Industrial Science, Math and Engineering This academy includes courses for student that are interested in a career that involves problem solving techniques, and/or technical design. Hands-on activities, practical, applied and experimental learning are incorporated into all course offerings in this academy. This academy includes courses for student that are interested in a career that involves problem solving techniques, and/or technical design. Hands-on activities, practical, applied and experimental learning are incorporated into all course offerings in this academy.
Technical and Industrial Science, Math and Engineering Engineers Engineers Architect Architect Bricklayer Bricklayer Carpenter Carpenter Computer Programmer Computer Programmer Construction Construction Dental Hygienist Dental Hygienist Jeweler Jeweler Mechanic Mechanic Pilot Pilot Systems Analyst Systems Analyst Urban Planner Urban Planner
Business, Marketing and Information Technology The Academy of Business, Marketing, and Information Technology brings students the relevancy of education through career development and activities that are designed for active involvement. Additionally, this academy emphasizes post-secondary preparation for students interested in business leadership, entrepreneurship, competition, and global diversity and awareness. The Academy of Business, Marketing, and Information Technology brings students the relevancy of education through career development and activities that are designed for active involvement. Additionally, this academy emphasizes post-secondary preparation for students interested in business leadership, entrepreneurship, competition, and global diversity and awareness.
Business, Marketing and Information Technology Accountant Accountant Business Owner Business Owner Construction Manager Construction Manager Loan Officer Loan Officer Real Estate Agent Retail Store Manager Web Designer/Master
Academy of Recreational Careers and Health Science The Academy of Recreational Careers and Health Sciences helps students prepare for careers in biological sciences, medical sciences, recreation, and lifestyle management.
Academy of Recreational Careers and Health Science Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist Athlete/Trainer Athlete/Trainer Chemical Engineer Chemical Engineer Dentist/Dental Assistant Dentist/Dental Assistant Doctor/Physician Doctor/Physician Massage Therapist Massage Therapist Nurse Nurse Orthodontist Pediatrician Pharmacist Psychiatrist Recreation Therapist Surgical Technician Veterinarians
Communications, Human Interaction and Leadership This academy includes courses for students who enjoy interaction with others, desire a creative outlet, and want to make a difference. Students in this academy will be working with multi-cultural groups, law enforcement, education, child-care, food services, creative design, politics, journalism, public service, and communication. The focus is on cultural development and human relationships.
Communications, Human Interaction and Leadership Author/Writer Author/Writer Lawyer Lawyer Coach Coach College Professor College Professor Teacher Teacher Fashion Designer Fashion Designer Interior Designer Interior Designer International Relations International Relations Military Police Officer Politician Psychologist Social Worker Travel Guide Waiter/Waitress Wedding Planner
Career Plans In the box on the right, write in two careers you are considering. In the box on the right, write in two careers you are considering. You can look off the list of areas of interest by academy. You can look off the list of areas of interest by academy.
What academy should I pick? Consider your interests and career plans Consider your interests and career plans Carefully think about your choice Carefully think about your choice Don’t let your friends influence you! It is your future, not theirs! Don’t let your friends influence you! It is your future, not theirs!
Fill in your academy choice! What is your first choice for an academy at Copper Hills? What is your first choice for an academy at Copper Hills? If you had to pick today, what would you pick? If you had to pick today, what would you pick? You can still change your mind between now and Copper Hills registration. You can still change your mind between now and Copper Hills registration.
Sign your card! At the bottom on the right hand side where it says student
“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” --Benjamin Franklin