February / March / April 2015 Handicap Workshop Conditions of Competitions
The Committee The Rules of Golf define the ‘Committee’ as the Committee in charge of the Competition. The Club should specify who runs the competitions, and exactly what their remit and authority is. The Committee should draft Conditions of Competition for every event played in the club.
Competitions Your Club Competitions might include: Medals (2 per month) Stablefords (2 per month) Mid-Week Medal (2 per month) Match Play Knock-Outs – Singles, Four-ball, Foursomes and Mixed Trophy Competitions Nine Hole Qualifying Competitions
Conditions of Competition Should cover: Eligibility - Who may participate? Handicap limit? Method of Entry – Computer? Sign in sheet? Pay a fee? Format of Competition – Stroke Play? Singles/Foursomes? Time of Starting – Draw? Timesheet? or Roll up and play?? Bad Weather Policy - Course closed/Course not closed Decision of Ties – Playoff or Card Count Back?
Should cover: Prizes – Are prizes awarded based on numbers competing. - One prize per person – which prize takes precedence? Caddies – May prohibit altogether or restrict who may caddy. - Committees MAY NOT restrict actions of caddie. Match Play – Specify dates for each round. - Specify procedure for arrangement of matches. Conditions of Competition
May not include anything that waives or modifies a Rule of Golf: Requirement that competitors are responsible for the addition of scores. (33-5) Committee Responsibility. Requirement that alteration on score card be initialled. Requirement that competitor enter score on computer. (6-6b) However clubs may introduce a club regulation and provide disciplinary sanctions for failure to comply. Conditions of Competition
1.The competitions shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules Limited and Local Rules approved by the Competitions Committee (‘the Committee’). 2.Golf Balls: The ball the player plays must be named on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the R&A. Penalty for breach is DISQUALIFICATION. 3.All competitors must hold Amateur Status as defined by R&A Rules Limited. 4.Competitors must sign in and pay the appropriate fee in the Professional Shop before commencing play. 5.Bad weather Policy. In the event that the course becomes unplayable and is closed by the Committee the competition shall be cancelled and shall be rearranged at the earliest possible date. If, however, competitors choose either not to play, or to discontinue play because of bad weather and the course remains open the competition shall be deemed to have been played and will not be rescheduled. 6.Distance-Measuring Devices may be used in all club competitions in accordance with the note to Rule General Conditions of Competition
7.The use of ride on buggies is generally prohibited in Club events. Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorised by the Committee. Permission will only be given in exceptional circumstances. 8.All disputes shall be settled by a Committee, formed by the Competitions & Handicapping Committee (3 to form a quorum) whose decision shall be final. 9.Except where otherwise provided in the conditions of a particular event, all ties shall be decided on the last 9, 6, 3 or 1 holes. If a tie still arises it shall be decided by reference to the last 6, 3 or 1 holes of the first nine holes. If a tie still arises the Competitions & Handicapping Committee shall decide the method of producing a result whose decision shall be final. General Conditions of Competition
COMPETITIONMONTHLY MEDALS DATE/FREQUENCYOne each month from April to October (inclusive) COST£3 FORMAT18 Holes Stroke Play HANDICAP LIMIT28 HANDICAP ALLOWANCEFull TEESWhite PRIZES1st -6th Prize for best overall Gross score DECIDING TIESIn the event of a tie for 1st place, the winner to be decided on a card playoff as laid down in General Conditions 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe winner qualifies for the GOLD MEDAL CUP at the end of the year. If a player wins more than one medal, the player in 2nd place in the later event will take his place for that month. Specific Conditions of Competition
Local Rules The Committee may establish Local Rules for local abnormal ground conditions if they are consistent with the policy in Appendix 1. (Rule 33-8). A Rule of Golf must not be waived by a Local Rule. If a local rule modifies a Rule of Golf it must be authorised by the R&A. Local Rules should be worded as recommended in Appendix 1, and should include any Exceptions and the Penalty Statement. When Preferred Lies are in operation if the player is permitted to place other than within 6 inches as specified in the Rules of Golf, the competition cannot be Qualifying. CONGU Manual, Clause 15.3 (Note).
Guidance on Running a Competition
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