Counseling and Coaching For People Development Lucia Popescu Advanced NLPt Master Coach NLPt Psychotherapist
Counseling ~ What ~ Professional relationship based on mutual respect, trust and openness, supporting lasting improvements in clients’ well-being and mutual development. Individual Counseling Group Counseling Prevention Develop practical skills A form of psychological intervention aiming at solving crisis or special social, professional or family situation.
Coaching ~ What ~ ICF Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought- provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. A professional coaching relationship exists when coaching includes a business agreement or contract that defines the responsibilities of each party. Professional relationship based on mutual respect, trust and openness, supporting lasting improvements in clients’ well-being and mutual development. EuCF A primarily process- oriented consulting or counseling. Professional Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce lasting results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life. Individual / Group Business Life Health / Wellness Relationship
Counseling - Coaching ~ How ~ Individual (Organizational) System Advice, guidance Objectives Organizational (Individual) Objectives Management involved in goal-setting Paid for by the company Paid for by the individual The right questions Tackles difficult issues at work and home Focuses on individual behavioral change Explores subjective experience (values, beliefs) Fosters individual performance in a business/personal context Considers individual performance after addressing dysfunctionalities Focus on the future Focus on the past Support to discover one’s own path / mission Based on medical ethics Based on organisational ethics/culture Taking out of the comfort zone Bringing comfort in
Counseling - Coaching ~ How ~ WHY? Progress is often slow and painful because the issues are often subconscious and fundamental HOW? WHAT? Growth and progress are rapid and usually enjoyable The main question Rate of change Disclosure Personal disclosure by the coach when relevant as an aid to communicating (similarity w/ mentoring) Limited, if any, personal disclosure by the therapist Helps client learn new skills and tools to build a more satisfying successful future; focuses on goals Doctor-patient relationship (The therapist is the expert) Co-creative equal partnership that may extend via , etc. 1 st Action and outcomes 2 nd Feelings (states). 1 st Feelings Subject focus Relationship Client Goals Helps patient resolves old pain and improve emotional states and behaviors
EuCF o The expert in his/her life and work. o Every client is creative, resourceful, and having good intentions. o Code of Ethics o May or may not have the answers. o Every client is creative, resourceful. o Code of Ethics Counseling - Coaching ~ Who ~ (the Client)
EuCF o University degree o Bilingual; have worked in 2- languages environment. o Min 3 years of training in coaching processes with proven competency, including crisis intervention and group processes o recommended by at least 3 members o proven work record in coaching, projects or trainings for 3 years after their graduations NBCC o National Certification o Master’s degree in counseling or with a major study in counseling from a regionally accredited institution o 3,000 hours of counseling experience and 100 hours of supervision both over a 2year post-master’s time period o Passing score on NCE o (State license) Some require MH exam Counseling - Coaching ~ Who ~ (Counselor - Coach)
Guess Who? Helps you find out o what might be holding you back from driving the car o what past experiences you have had with automobiles o Brings an owner’s manual. Tells you everything you ever wanted to know about the workings of a car. o Then he/she would leave. o Might return 6 months later to see how you had managed the actual driving part. o Seats you in the car, places him/herself in the passenger seat, and teaches you key life skills and emotional regulation o Encourages and supports you o Holds you accountable to your goals until you feel comfortable enough by yourself. o Shares his/her experiences of driving cars o Shares the wisdom and lessons (s)he had learned in his/her richer experience with the matter.
Thank You! Lucia Popescu Advanced NLPt Master Coach NLPt Psychotherapist