Collaborating with Industry: Training the next generation of forensic scientists Dr Lisa Smith Senior Lecturer Department of Criminology
Recent changes in UK forensic science Forensic Science Service (FSS) –Forensic analysis, training, research for UK police forces –Closed 31 March, 2012 Private forensic providers –Competitive marketplace –Focus on high volume forensic analyses –Lack of research and innovation
Forensic research and innovation Technology Strategy Board, Forensic Science Special Interest Group –Taking Forensic Science R&D to Market (Oct 2013) Centre for Applied Science & Technology Forensic Science Regulator College of Policing
Key considerations for forensic innovators 1.Does the idea have the potential to improve forensic capability? 2.Can the new technology/technique be used safely? 3.Can the technology/product be cost effective for the police? 4.Is the technique/technology easy to use? 5.Does the technique/technology produce reliable and valid results?
INTREPID Forensics ‘Interdisciplinary Training and Research Programme for Innovative Doctorates in Forensic Science’ –EU FP7, Marie Curie Initial Training Network Innovative Doctoral Programme grant €2.9 million project, over 4 years Ten early stage researchers (ESR)
Requirements of ITN call Industry partners –SME in particular Innovative research and teaching –Potential for commercialisation of IP –Industry partners to contribute to teaching programme High quality, interdisciplinary supervisory teams –Including research secondments at other academic institutions and industry partners
Partnership approach Academic partners University of Lausanne University of Helsinki University of Padova Transcrime Research Centre University of Twente Industry partners Consolite Forensics (UK/SME) Key Forensic Services (UK/SME) European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (EU) College of Policing (EU/UK) Supervising departments: Criminology, Chemistry, Psychology, Physics, Engineering, Genetics, Mathematics, East Midlands Pathology Unit, Immunity, Infection & Inflammation.
Individual research projects Generic research skills training Complementary skills training (e.g. language) Career development plan Core forensic science skills training Training/research outputs Primary/Secondary secondments
The role of industry & EBDO Core training programme –Modules covering working with industry, commercialising IP, requirements of the legal system Secondary secondments Research outputs –Maximising opportunities for commercialisation of innovation
Lessons learned… Importance of maintaining a network of industry partnerships –Horizons 2020 focus on quality of networks Involve industry partners at every stage of the process –Be able to clearly articulate the added value of the partnerships Work closely with EBDO to maximise opportunities for partnerships and funding