EU funded project LLP/Leonardo da Vinci/Development of Innovation project in footwear sector – Case study of Romania Aura MIHAI Faculty of.


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Presentation transcript:

EU funded project LLP/Leonardo da Vinci/Development of Innovation project in footwear sector – Case study of Romania Aura MIHAI Faculty of Textile, Leather and Industrial Management “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Skills Development and Social Dialogue for Textile and Clothing Sector in the Euro-Mediterranean Area April 2013, Valetta, Malta

 Identified skill gaps - future skill needs  Small companies cannot create internal training departments are dependent on external offers time-consuming and costly training programs  Vocational Education and Training (VET) - lack of teaching materials, ageing teachers/tutors  Attractiveness for young generation Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Skills Development and Social Dialogue for Textile and Clothing Sector in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, April 2013, Valetta, Malta Innovative e-learning tools for footwear industry - Facts and figures Transfer of innovation project Training in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design for the Footwear Industry ( ) Partnership project International Integrated Training Plan for the Footwear Sector( ) Development of innovation project Virtual Training Centre for Shoe Design ( )

Virtual Training Centre for Shoe Design ADAM - Project and product portal for Leonardo da Vinci Best Leonardo da Vinci Cooperation Projects Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Skills Development and Social Dialogue for Textile and Clothing Sector in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, April 2013, Valetta, Malta  Internet based functional training centre to be used by vocational education and training colleges and schools  Training the trainers /teaching staff  competence-based curriculum  multimedia educational software  pedagogical approaches - learning by doing / step-by-step / student centred learning  New skills in footwear design and pattern making– footwear designers /technicians Partners: Romania, Turkey and Greece

From Virtual Training Centre to Virtual Community of Practice - TIED SHOE project Partners: Portugal, Romania, Spain, Greece, Croatia  transfer existing innovation into other countries  develop new e-learning modules (5 modules=20-22 units = 100 lessons, 500 hours for teaching and activities)  Innovation  Internationalization  Entrepreneurship  Materials  New Design Tools  assessment, validation, certification – European transferable credits system (ECVET)  extend the concept of Virtual Training Center into a Community of Practice  interactive training software with webcasts  simulations, animations, video  peer training and support Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Skills Development and Social Dialogue for Textile and Clothing Sector in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, April 2013, Valetta, Malta

How do the tools work? VTC Shoe VTC Shoe projectTIED Shoe TIED Shoe project Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Skills Development and Social Dialogue for Textile and Clothing Sector in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, April 2013, Valetta, Malta

Lessons learned and transferability to other countries  How to maximize the applicability of the existing knowledge ?  Skills and competence for creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, new technologies, new business models etc.  Lifelong learning versus initial education and training  Spreading up information communication technology (ICT) and computer based learning  New pedagogical approaches  NEXT generation of teachers and trainers  Effective generalisation and exploitation  Transferability to other countries by adding innovation  Continuity /Common actions/ Projects/ Partnerships Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Skills Development and Social Dialogue for Textile and Clothing Sector in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, April 2013, Valetta, Malta

VTC Shoe project: Virtual Training Centre for Shoe Design TIED Shoe project : Training in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design for the Footwear Industry Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Skills Development and Social Dialogue for Textile and Clothing Sector in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, April 2013, Valetta, Malta More info?