Year 9 Information Evening Huxley Knox-Macaulay Deputy Head Teacher Marco Gallucci Head of Year 9 Key Stage 3 Core subject teams Welcome
Expectations of progress and target setting. English, Maths and Science presentations. The Hove Park Baccalaureate and Graduation. Key dates and reporting points. Homework Timetable. IPad workshop.
Levels to Grades L8A/A* L7B L6C L5D L4E L3F
What topics are studied in year 9? Autumn 1Novel Study Autumn 2War Poetry Spring 1Romeo and Juliet Spring 2Contemporary Play Summer 1Spoken Language Summer 2Non-Fiction Texts/GCSE prep
How does a Student Know if they are on Target? Every student is given a target & will be expected to have met that target by the end of the year. The targets given are based on levels achieved at the end of primary school. If a student completed KS2 with a level of 4a & below, they will be expected to make at least 2 sub-levels of progress each year. If a student achieved a level 5c or higher at KS2, they will be expected to make 3 sub-levels of progress each year. KS2 Level Autumn Target Spring Target EOY Target GCSE Target 4b (E)EE+D-B+ 5b (D)D+C-CA*
How Does my Child Pass the BACC in English? In English, half-termly assessments are used as BACC tasks. If students pass the BACC task at their target for that term, then they will automatically pass the BACC for English. Any students who do not meet their target in their assessed work will receive support & an opportunity to improve their work to target grade with feedback & guidance from their teacher.
What Support will my Child Receive in English? DaySupport Tuesdays 3-4pm English drop-in & homework support Wednesdays 3-4pm Focused support sessions (timetable disseminated to students & parents) Your child's English teacher is also available to support your child outside of lesson times when needed.
Year 9 HPS Year 9 students are following the Edexcel Mathematics GSCE course this year to get them used to the specific language used in GSCE. There are two tiers Higher and Foundation. The year group are split into two bands H and P. In H band we have 6 classes and P band we have 5, classes are set across each band. This allows us to have lower sets with smaller classes. We have adjusted the sets in year 9’s this week to reflect the progress that students have been making, and this is something that we will be continuing to do every half term. Assessments are averaging twice a half term, and can cover any topic that has been covered since the beginning of the year. Students will sit a year 9 exam in the summer term. Maths Catch up is every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3pm in Room 19. Homework is a mixture of online Manga High Challenges, paper homework and a once termly BACC tasks.
Year 9 Science 2013/2014 KS3 due to change in 2014 to reflect changes to the GCSE. We have already made changes to the curriculum to make it more challenging. More focus on extended writing and scientific literacy. Pupils assessed on tests, Bacc data tasks and work in their folders. iPad apps such as Showbie used to deliver assignments and homework. Other apps used in class include iMotion, Explain Everything, Keynote and Pages.
Extracurricular Science Science club is every Wednesday pm in Lab 23. Science catch up is every Thursday 3 - 4pm in Lab 15. Homework should be completed on Wednesday or at the weekend.
The Hove Park Bacc All subjects are crucial to your child’s success Passing the subjects you study is just as important in Year 9 as it is in Year 11 or 13 A culture of Success - Celebration of Success
Tuesday 8th July Year 9 Graduation Ceremony Hove Park Nevill Campus 7pm-9pm
Key Dates/Teacher AssessmentWhen Year 9 Progress ReportsBeginning of December Year 9 Options Information Evening - Nevill Campus Thursday 23rd January 2014 Subject Teacher Consultation EveningThursday 30th January 2014 Year 9 Options DeadlineThursday 6th February 2014 iPad training sessions – please book a place with Spring Term – Dates to follow Tuesday 26 th November Tuesday 3 rd December Year 9 ExamsMonday 2nd June 2014 Year 9 Graduation Ceremony – Nevill CampusTuesday 8th July 2014
KS3 MFL Coordinator Rosemary Glentworth