EYFS, Key Stage 1 & 2 Assessment 2012 April 2012
Assessment 2012 Dates EYFS Profile: Final date for completion of assessments is 30 th June However, the Early Years Moderation team will complete their work by 22 nd June and will need EYFS data to be in SIMS before that date. Please send to LA by 6 th July. Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments : Final date for completion of assessments is 4 th July Please send to LA by 6 th July. Year 1 Phonics Check: Please send to LA by 6 th July. Final date for LA to submit to Standards & Testing Agency (STA) is 31 st July 2012.
Assessment 2012 Dates Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessments: Final date for submission to STA via NCA Tools web site is 13 th July Note: This includes submission of writing assessments made as a result of internal/external testing. The test results will not be published. Key Stage 3 Teacher Assessments: Final date for submission to STA via NCA Tools web site is 13 th July 2012.
Assessment 2012 Process (a) SIMS version (Spring 2012 release 2) or later Install 2012 Assessment Wizards Define Assessment Groups Enter Data –Standard data –P Scale data
Assessment 2012 Process (b) Produce Individual Pupil Reports for parents (KS1 & KS2) Produce Comparative Reports for parents (KS2) Submission of data to Local Authority (EYFS, KS1 & Phonics) or to STA (KS2 & KS3)
Assessment 2012 Installing 2012 Assessment Wizards ► Routines ► Data In ► Assessment ► Import
► Locate the file in: C:\Program Files\SIMS\SIMS.net \AMPA \England Primary (and Middle Deemed Primary) \ Assessment Manager EYFS Profile Detail Wizard 2012.xml (and/or EYFS Profile Summary Wizard 2012.xml) Key Stage 1 Wizard England 2012.XML Key Stage 2 Wizard England 2012.XML KS1 Year 1 Phonics Screening Wizard 2012.xml Assessment 2012
Remember: –Select only the Wizards you need –Check the Activity Log after import (If anything says NOT successful ring us as soon as possible) Assessment 2012
Define Assessment Groups (a) If all pupils for EYFS are in Reception:Year R If all pupils for KS1 are in Year 2:Year 2 If all pupils for KS2 are in Year 6:Year 6 HOWEVER….. Assessment 2012
Define Assessment Groups (b) a) If pupils are taught out of Year Group b) If pupils are not being assessed this year c) If pupils changed school during Summer Term Assessment 2012
Define Assessment Groups (c) Pupils changing school: EYFS – if pupil starts at a new school in 2 nd half-term of Summer term then the previous school submits data to the Local Authority, ie: after 10 th June 2012 KS1 – if pupil starts at a new school in 2 nd half-term of Summer term then the previous school submits data to the Local Authority, ie: after 10 th June 2012 This includes children who transfer to a new school during the holiday. The NEW school reports end of KS results to parents. Assessment 2012
Define Assessment Groups (c) Pupils changing school: KS2 – Only assess pupils who are on roll at Monday, 14 th May. “It is the responsibility of the school at which the child was enrolled at the start of test week to submit the teacher assessment.” Key Stage 2 ARA 2012 Section 10.6 KS3 – Final date for submission of Teacher Assessments is 13 th July. No clear guidance in KS3 A.R.A. documents Assessment 2012
For example: Your school has pupils for whom KS1 assessments need to be entered for: all Year 2 and a few Year 1 but excluding some pupils who arrived on 20 th June Assessment 2012
Creating User Defined Assessment Groups ► Focus ► Groups ► Assessment Defined Groups ► New Assessment 2012
User Defined Assessment Groups (EYFS Example) Assessment 2012
User Defined Assessment Groups (EYFS Example: Exclude 2 pupils) Assessment 2012
User Defined Assessment Groups (EYFS Example: Include 1 extra pupil) Assessment 2012
User Defined Assessment Groups (EYFS Example: The final list) Assessment 2012 Other groups (KS1 and KS2) are set in a similar way
Tidy Up the old Wizards Assessment 2012
Tidy Up the old Wizards Assessment 2012
Tidy Up the old Wizards Assessment 2012
Early Years and Foundation Stage EYFS Assessment 2012
To access the SIMS Assessment Wizards: In SIMS: ►Tools - ►Performance - ► Assessment - ► Wizard Manager -
Which EYFS Wizard to use? EYFS Assessment 2012 Use the ‘Detail Wizard’ to record in detail if children have achieved the ‘early learning goals’ by recording ‘Y’ or against each goal. Calculate the scores within each ‘assessment scale’.
Which EYFS Wizard to use? EYFS Assessment 2012 Use the ‘Summary Wizard’ to only record the score within each ‘assessment scale’.
The Detail Wizard has 18 marksheets: EYFS Assessment 2012
The Summary Wizard has 6 marksheets: EYFS Assessment 2012
EYFS Entering Details Data: EYFS Assessment 2012
Incomplete Early Learning Goals 1-3
EYFS Assessment 2012 Complete all 8 goals before awarding scale 9
EYFS Assessment 2012 Score 0: SEN or not assessed?
Check your data before saving. Correct errors whilst still RED EYFS Assessment 2012
DO NOT forget to process the sub-total sheets: 1d EYFS PSE Subtotal e EYFS CLL Subtotal d EYFS Prob Solv…. Subtot 2012 and finally 5 EYFS Totals 2012 EYFS Assessment 2012
Calculate to generate sub-total scores on sheets 1d, 2e, 3d: EYFS Assessment 2012
Calculate to generate total score on sheet 5: EYFS Assessment 2012
EYSF Reporting to Parents All EYFS providers must give parents a written summary of a child’s progress against the early learning goals and attainment within the assessment scales. A copy of the EYFS Profile summary scores reported to the local authority must also be provided to parents if requested. Providers should avoid reporting raw scores without providing an explanation of what they mean. EYSF Assessment Reporting Arrangements 2012 Section 3.1 EYFS Assessment 2012
It is NOT recommended that schools use the SIMS report found in the EYFS wizard: EYFS Assessment 2012
EYFS: Results for Export Do Not Use This Routine
End of Key Stage 1 Assessments End of Key Stage 1 Assessments KS1 Assessment 2012
To access the SIMS Assessment Wizards: In SIMS: ► Tools - ► Performance - ► Assessment - ► Wizard Manager -
Use: Key Stage 1 Wizard England 2012 Link the Wizard to the Group: Year 2 or KS (If using Assessment Defined Group) KS1 Assessment 2012
Entering Data: Key Stage 1
KS1 Assessment 2012 KS1 A. Teacher Assessments 2012
KS1 Assessment 2012 KS1 B. P Scale Data Entry 2012 (a)
KS1 Assessment 2012 KS1 B. P Scale Data Entry 2012 (b) If pupils are working below P4 please ring for advice, otherwise mainstream schools should NEVER complete P Scale: English or P Scale: Maths columns
KS1 Assessment 2012 KS1 C. Test Outcomes (Optional) 2012 This marksheet is not commonly used. KS1 Test Outcomes are not submitted to either the Local Authority or the Department for Education
KS1 Assessment 2012 KS1 D. Broadsheet (Review) useful for data checking and internal use
KS1 Reporting to Parents Schools must report the following for all children at the end of Key Stage 1: a teacher assessment level in reading, writing, and speaking and listening; a separate teacher assessment level for each science attainment target; and an overall teacher assessment level in mathematics and science. For children with SEN who are working towards level 1, a P scale must be reported. Key Stage 1 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements 2012 Section 8.1 KS1 Assessment 2012
KS1 Reporting to Parents Use the Key Stage 1 Wizard via: ► Tools - ► Performance - ► Assessment - ► Wizard Manager – ► Key Stage 1 Wizard England 2012 Click:NextNextNext
KS1 Assessment 2012
Select the pupils Preview if required Print the reports
KS1 Assessment 2012
A copy of this report can be uploaded and attached to the ‘linked documents’ for each pupil.
KS1 Assessment 2012 Please note: There is no mention in Section 8 of the Key Stage 1 ARA document of a need for schools to provide parents with a comparative report in 2012.
KS1 Assessment 2012 Key Stage 1: Results for Export Do Not Use This Routine
Assessment 2012 End of Key Stage 2 Assessments End of Key Stage 2 Assessments
KS2 Assessment 2012 To access the SIMS Assessment Wizards: In SIMS: ► Tools - ► Performance - ► Assessment - ► Wizard Manager -
Use: Key Stage 2 Wizard England 2012 Link the Wizard to the Group: Year 6 or KS (If using Assessment Defined Group) KS2 Assessment 2012
Entering Data: Key Stage 2
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 A. All Subjects TAs 2012
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 B. Minimum Subjects TAs 2012
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 C. P Scale Data Entry 2012
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 D. Test Summary Data Entry 2012
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 English Writing Tests 2012 It is a statutory requirement for schools to administer an English writing test to all eligible children and to use the results to inform their teacher assessment. Either: a)An internally marked test before end of June. b)An externally marked test taken on 9 th May. Regardless of which test is administered, the test result will inform a teacher assessment judgement. It is solely the teacher assessment (and not test results) that will be published. Key Stage 2 ARA Section 1.1
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 E. En Test Results Data Entry 2012 It is this level which should be used to inform the Teacher assessment regardless of whether it is internally or externally tested. Added to make the sub-total
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 E. En Test Results Data Entry 2012 This information is obtained by download from the Key To Success web site English Total Marks adds Reading Test and Writing Sub-Total
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 F. Ma Test Results Data Entry 2012 This information is obtained by download from the Key to Success web site
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 D. Test Summary Data Entry 2012 Test results can be manually entered on this marksheet if not downloaded from Key to Success
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 G. Broadsheet Review 2012
KS2 Reporting to Parents Schools must report the following for all children at the end of Key Stage 1: a teacher assessment level in reading, writing, and speaking and listening; a separate teacher assessment level for each science attainment target; and an overall teacher assessment level in mathematics and science. For children with SEN who are working towards level 1, a P scale must be reported. Key Stage 1 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements 2012 Section 8.1 KS2 Assessment 2012
KS2 Reporting to Parents Use the Key Stage 2 Wizard via: ► Tools - ► Performance - ► Assessment - ► Wizard Manager – ► Key Stage 2 Wizard England 2012 Click:NextNextNext
KS2 Assessment 2012
Select the pupils Preview if required Print the reports
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 P1 Student England produce a copy for each pupil KS2 P2 Comparative England produce a copy for each pupil KS2 P3 Comp TAs by Gender - optional (but useful for school) KS2 P4 Comp Tests by Gender - optional (but useful for school)
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 P1 Student England 2012
KS2 Assessment 2012 KS2 P2 Comparative England 2012
KS2 Assessment 2012 A copy of any of these reports can be uploaded and attached to the ‘linked documents’ for each pupil.
KS2 Assessment 2012 Key Stage 2: Results for Export Do Not Use This Routine
Assessment 2012 Year 1 Phonics Screening Test Year 1 Phonics Screening Test
Year 1 Phonics 2012 To access the SIMS Assessment Wizards: In SIMS: ► Tools - ► Performance - ► Assessment - ► Wizard Manager -
Use: Key Stage 1 Yr1 Phonics Screening Wizard Link the Wizard to the Group: Year 1 or Phonics 2012 (If using Assessment Defined Group) Year 1 Phonics 2012
Year 1 Phonics 2012 Year 1 Phonics 2012 Entering Data: Year 1 Phonics Screening There is only one marksheet for Phonics Screening
Year 1 Phonics 2012 Enter Phonics mark: (32 is the pass score) Calculate: Wa = Working At Wt = Working Towards
Year 1 Phonics 2012 Reporting to Parents: There is no standard report for sending to parents
Assessment 2012 Submission of Results to Local Authority: EYFS, KS1 & Phonics Submission of Results to Local Authority: EYFS, KS1 & Phonics
Sending Assessment Data to the Local Authority EYFS, KS1 and Phonics data Produce a CTF file Send CTF file via send2la web site To be sent before 6 th July 2012 (if possible)
EYFS and Key Stage 1 Check that there are destination “schools” called: EYFS DATALEA=352 Number=1110 (could be FSP data) and KS1 DATALEA=352Number=1111 Sending Assessment Data to the Local Authority
Phonics Testing Create a new destination “school” called: Phonics TestLEA=352 Number=1119 Via Tools – Other Schools - New Sending Assessment Data to the Local Authority
A. Produce a CTF file by selecting the required pupils: Note: you can now include both current pupils and leavers in the same file Make a note of the file name!
Sending Assessment Data to the Local Authority B.Access the Send2LA web site: (Ignore any message about Security Certificates and Continue) C.Enter Username = send2la Enter Password = file2la
Sending Assessment Data to the Local Authority
D. Browse to locate the file: S:\SIMS\STAR\CTFout E. Select one of the file names noted earlier eg: _CTF_ _003.xml
Sending Assessment Data to the Local Authority F. Click Upload
Sending Assessment Data to the Local Authority Note: You will need to send 3 files – EYFS ( ) Phonics Test ( ) Key Stage 1 ( )
Assessment 2012 Submission of Results to STA: KS2 & KS3 Submission of Results to STA: KS2 & KS3
Sending Assessment Data to STA Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 data Produce a CTF file Send CTF file via the NCA Tools web site: To be sent by 13 th July 2012
Sending Assessment Data to STA
This web site will not be available for use until the first week in May. The following screens are based on last year’s web site. Our published instructions will be amended as soon as we can access the site and confirm the 2012 routines.
Sending Assessment Data to STA NCA Tools: Instructions for Schools with an MIS Step 1: Click on ‘Submit teacher assessment’ in the left-hand menu. Step 2: You will be presented with a checklist to help you prepare your teacher assessment data for submission. When you have completed the checklist, please select ‘Next’. Step 3: Select ‘Browse’ to locate the teacher assessment CTF saved on your computer. Click on the file and select ‘Open’ and then select ‘Submit’.
Sending Assessment Data to STA NCA Tools: Instructions for Schools with an MIS Green: teacher assessment data successfully uploaded Amber: teacher assessment data uploaded with warnings Red: teacher assessment data not uploaded – file error
Assessment 2012 Support for the 2012 Assessment Process
Schools subscribing to the One Education ICT Support SLA can ring for help in any stage of the process. They can download a copy of the Powerpoint presentation plus full instructions for entering and submitting data from the password protected area of the MEWAN web site Assessment 2012
Schools not subscribing to the One Education ICT Support SLA If schools attend the briefing they will be given a copy of the Powerpoint presentation and all instructions but will only receive telephone support for submitting their data to the LA or NCA Tools web site Assessment 2012
Schools not subscribing to the One Education ICT Support SLA Schools NOT attending the briefing will be advised that they can download instructions for sending their data to the LA and NCA Tools web site from the MEWAN web site but will only receive telephone support for submitting their data to the LA or NCA Tools web site Assessment 2012
All schools may purchase a full-day on-site training course which covers EYFS, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Year 1 Phonics Screening. Price: £300 Ring for details Assessment 2012
Schools who would like a member of the ICT Support Service to enter and submit their assessment data can purchase this service for £50 per hour Ring for details Assessment 2012
Thank You Any Questions? Thank You Any Questions?