uib.no UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN Introduction to Enhancing Courses Robert Gray, PhD Associate Professor / Førsteamanuensis 3. februar 2015 Program for universitetspedagogikk Insert «Academic unit» on every page: 1 Go to the menu «Insert» 2 Choose: Date and time 3 Write the name of your faculty or department in the field «Footer» 4 Choose «Apply to all"
uib.no Primary Concerns Determine the purpose of the enhancement Determine the optimal organization and delivery of the enhancement Evaluate the effectiveness of the enhancement Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no Important consideration… This course is not about the technicalities of how you do this stuff Rather, it is about why Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no What considerations need to be made? Technology requirements? Quality v. time? Efficiency v. effectiveness? Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no Advantages Provide access to content from multiple sources in multiple modalities Provide opportunities for interaction between students, content, and the instructor Provide a platform for students to share projects and productions Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no Advantages, cont’d Enable students to become more active learners Enable instructors to facilitate, model, and inspire, rather than regurgitate the same reified information over and over Enable teaching to be about the generation of knowledge rather than the consumption and evaluation of knowledge Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no Tools available in Canvas Announcements Modules Pages / Files Assignments Outcomes SpeedGrader Quizzes Grades Calendar Collaborations Polls Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no Materials that can be delivered via Canvas Agendas –Day –Week –Module Instructor content –Videos –Lectures –Lecture notes –Slides Others’ resources –YouTube –Khan Academy –iTunesU –Vimeo –Colleagues’ materials Additional readings and resources Student-provided resources Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no Materials that can be delivered via Canvas, cont’d Lesson Objectives Simulations Games Study guides Rubrics Assignments Feedback Advanced organizers Reminders Clarifications Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no A few teaching tips… Everything should be focused on what you want your students to know or be able to do at the end of lesson, unit, or course. (If it’s not about that, don’t do it…) Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no Devote some time to introducing students to the technology. Program for universitetspedagogikk A few teaching tips…
uib.no Connect online activities to in-class activities. Program for universitetspedagogikk A few teaching tips…
uib.no Make sure outside activities have a clear relevance (and don’t seem like busy work). Program for universitetspedagogikk A few teaching tips…
uib.no Feedback is very important (whether it is directly from you or automated). Program for universitetspedagogikk A few teaching tips…
uib.no Adopt a “before and after” approach (that is, have them do something online to prepare for class, and then have them do something online afterward with the information they gained during class). Program for universitetspedagogikk A few teaching tips…
uib.no Respect the environment (that is, be aware of how people interact with information differently online than how the do in other forms and reshape your presentation appropriately). Program for universitetspedagogikk A few teaching tips…
uib.no Have students reflect on how their learning is happening differently and try to (responsibly) play a part in that narrative (that is, make sure they understand why they are doing it this new way—people don’t typically like change and there may be some resistance; be careful that this resistance doesn’t gather too much momentum). Program for universitetspedagogikk A few teaching tips…
uib.no Don’t concern yourself with bells and whistles (that is, use tools because they are useful, not because they are cool or because they are there). Program for universitetspedagogikk A few teaching tips…
uib.no A few teaching tips… The advantages offered by these enhancements should not be seen as additional content so much as the freeing up of time for interaction, support, and active learning. Program for universitetspedagogikk
uib.no This is not about providing more… It’s about providing better. Program for universitetspedagogikk A few teaching tips…
uib.no A few teaching tips… Finally, don’t try to do everything at once (that is, implement new tools and techniques one or two at a time, implementing all of the possibilities at one time will overwhelm you and your students) Program for universitetspedagogikk