Trefniant Dosbarth Classroom Organisation Medi / September 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Trefniant Dosbarth Classroom Organisation Medi / September 2010

Ffeithiau a Ffigyrau Facts and Figures rhif safonol / standard number = 65 pupils in every year group (52 prior to Sept. 2009) cyfanswm / total = 520 o disgyblion (plus nursery pupils who are non-statutory)

Y Gyfraith / Law “It is statutory that authorities limit infant class sizes (excluding nursery classes) to no more than 30 pupils and best practice to ensure junior class sizes do not exceed 30 pupils.” If KS2 classes exceed 30 pupils, the Key Stage 2 Grant awarded to schools will be clawed back = £25,004

Exceptions Exceptions to these regulations (called “excepted pupils”) which may allow the 30 pupil class limit to be exceeded. These pupils are: (a) children whose statements of special needs specify that they should be educated at the school concerned

(b) children initially refused admission to a school, but subsequently offered a place outside a normal admissions round by direction of an admissions appeal panel, or because the person responsible for making the original decision recognises that an error was made in implementing the school’s admission arrangements

Current Numbers Meithrin / Nursery63 Derbyn / Reception50 Blwyddyn 1 / Year 149 Blwyddyn 2 / Year 226 Blwyddyn 3 / Year 324 Blwyddyn 4 / Year 443 Blwyddyn 5 / Year 533 Blwyddyn 6 / Year 649

Opsiynau / Options Mae modd rhannu’r dysgwyr fesul…….. The learners could be split into groups….… oedran / age ffrindiau / friends datblygiad / development cymysgedd o’r uchod / mixture of above (different groupings in morning and afternoon)

Manteision Anfanteision Advantages Disadvantages Transparent data Nobody able to adjust the data to suit needs Everyone clear about reasoning and policy – easy to justify during complaints and appeals Same children always split (youngest or eldest) = different groupings every year No consideration of children’s needs – emotional or educational Oedran / Age

Manteision Anfanteision Advantages Disadvantages The needs of the individual considered Well-being of children and their families Staff have more input into what mixture of children work well together No transparent data to fall back on - parents not in agreement with professional judgement Sometimes “best friends” do not always work well together Children make and break friends on a regular basis Children left out Discrimination “I don’t want my child in a class with that child” Ffrindiau / Friends

Manteision Anfanteision Advantages Disadvantages Transparent data – but not always easy to justify teacher assessments Everyone clear about reasoning and policy Staff have more input into educational needs of learners e.g. special needs / able and talented Narrower range of ability in each class Labelling children at an early age Well-being of less able pupils (all pupils have a positive contribution to make) Parents not in agreement with professional judgement of staff Children split from friends Inclusive school Datblygiad / Development

Governor’s Recommendation Oedran / Age fairest option for all pupils transparent data to use during complaints and appeals consider age and gender groupings

Y Ffordd Ymlaen The Way Forward Pleidlais Vote Llythyron Letters