SCHOOL GATES The school gates are opened at If you arrive early then an adult must stay with the children until school staff are available to supervise them. If you arrive after the bell has gone at 9am please bring your child to the bring your child to the School Office as other doors are closed promptly in order to safeguard the children in school. STATEMENT TO LIVE BY I know how to help others when they are in trouble SCHOOL PRAYER Dear Jesus, bless our school. Bless everyone in it. Make it a happy place. Amen NEWSLETTER – FRIDAY 8 th MAY 2015 REMINDER: MOBILE PHONES Our school policy is that mobile phones are not allowed in school. If your child travels to school alone and you wish them to have a mobile phone, the phone must be switched off before they come onto the school premises and handed in to the school office before school starts. It can then be collected from the office before the child goes home, it should not be switched on until after they have left school premises. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated. SHAKESPEARE On Thursday 30 th April the school enjoyed another Shakespeare play – Much Ado about Nothing (Loves Labours Won). It was broadcast into schools across the country and the children could watch the play on screens in their class – rooms. SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS On Monday 18 th May every child will be having their school photograph taken. Parents who are bringing babies and toddlers for a family group photograph should go to the Mobile, other children should come into school as normal and they will be taken over to join their family for the family Photograph after registration. There is no obligation to buy the photographs if you are not satisfied.. HEAD LICE It is important to check your child’s head regularly each week to prevent the spread of head lice in school. Your help with this would be appreciated. NEPAL DISASTER APPEAL We will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 15 th May in aid of the Nepal disaster fund. If children would like to come to school in their own clothes next Friday we would ask if they could bring a small donation of 50p towards this appeal. Thank you. GIBSIDE Year 1 enjoyed a visit to Gibside, where they explored the grounds and followed a trail. They made a ‘house for a mouse’, a wildflower crown, saw old buildings, lots of trees, a beautiful pond and had lots of fun in the Strawberry Castle adventure area. SATs TESTS Next week the children in Year 6 will take their SATs exams. I am sure you are aware that this is a very important week in your child’s primary school career as the results of these tests are passed on to the High Schools where they are used to place children in the correct class when they begin Year 7 in September. We would ask that you make sure your child has a sensible bedtime as children find it difficult to concentrate if they are tired. Even if your child does not usually eat a breakfast, please encourage them to eat something light as it has been proven that children who eat breakfast are more alert during the morning. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time as we must start each test promptly and we are unable to wait for latecomers. Year 2 children will be aking their SATs tests during May. Good luck everyone!.
Monday 20th April – Friday 22nd May – Term Time Monday 25 th May – Bank Holiday Tuesday 26th May – Friday 29th May – Half Term Holiday Monday 1st June – Friday 17 th July – Term Time SCHOOSCHOOL RE-OPENS ON MONDAY 7 TH SEPTEMBER 2015 MONDAY Y6 SATs TUESDAY Y6 SATs Am – Y4/Y5 – Tennis 5pm – First Holy Communion Preparation (Hall) WEDNESDAY Y6 SATs Am Y4 – Creative Writing Workshop Pm Y3 – Creative Writing Workshop THURSDAY Y6 SATs FRIDAY Am – Y3 – Swimming AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Thursday – KS2 Football TERM DATES, HOLIDAYS AND TRAINING DAYS WHAT’S HAPPENING NEXT WEEK?