Government of Canada PWGSC - Korea Joint Cooperation Committee Seoul, Korea November 15, 2006 François Audet Director General, Government of Canada Marketplace Government of Canada
2 Agenda The Government of Canada (GC) & e- Procurement Government of Canada Marketplace (GoCM) Project Update Mobile Devices in Procurement In your experience…
3 Agenda The Government of Canada & e- Procurement Government of Canada Marketplace (GoCM) Project Update Mobile Devices in Procurement In your experience…
4 Canada Almost 10 Million square kilometers Population of 33 Million 250,000 public servants 116 Federal Departments & Agencies Annual Government spend of $18 Billion 6 time zones spanning 4.5 hours
5 Government of Canada Web Presence As a result of an earlier government-wide initiative called Government On-line, Canadians, businesses and international clients are now: –provided with a more accessible government, where information and services are organized according to their needs, and are available 24/7 around the world, in English or French; –delivered better and more responsive services as 130 of the most commonly used services are now available on line; –offered electronic transactions that are protected and secure while their personal information is safeguarded.
6 Determine Business Need Get Authority to Acquire Define Requirements Set Procurement Strategy Solicit Bids Evaluate Bid Government of Canada Supply Chain Receive Order Award CPI* Award CPI* Fulfill Order Send Invoice Manage CPI* Instruct for Payment Manage Asset Dispose of Asset Pay for Asset Settle Accounts *CPI = Crown Procurement Instrument (i.e. contract) Manage Requisition Manage Workflow Manage Product Create/Manage Documents
7 Determine Business Need Get Authority to Acquire Define Requirements Set Procurement Strategy Solicit Bids Evaluate Bid Government of Canada Electronic Supply Chain: Where We are Today Receive Order Award CPI* Award CPI* Fulfill Order Send Invoice Manage CPI* Instruct for Payment Manage Asset Dispose of Asset Pay for Asset Settle Accounts Automated process GoCM Manual process *CPI = Crown Procurement Instrument (i.e. contract) Manage Requisition Manage Workflow Manage Product Create/Manage Documents
8 Government of Canada Electronic Supply Chain: Vision COSTBENEFITS TIME CURRENT STATE Information Application Technology END STATE CURRENT STATE Information Application Technology CURRENT STATE e-Purchasing (GoCM) e-Purchasing (GoCM) e-Commitment (Links to Financial Systems) e-Sourcing e-Contracting e-Bidding e-Asset Management e-Asset Disposal e-Invoice (Supplier Pilots) e-Payment (Supplier Pilots)
9 Agenda The Government of Canada & e- Procurement Government of Canada Marketplace (GoCM) Project Update Mobile Devices in Procurement In your experience…
10 What is the GoCM The Government of Canada Marketplace (GoCM) is an on-line service offering authorized Government of Canada (GC) users a common point of access to an electronic catalogue where they can browse, search and compare pre- approved goods and services from Mandatory Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements.
11 Initial GoCM Functionality Purchasers GoCM Suppliers Commodity Managers Access Content Report Order Punch-out Print or Save
12 End-State GoCM Functionality Buyer Portal GoCM Transaction Engine (Shopping Cart Buying, Procurement Card Buying, Non-PCard Buying, Automatic Purchase Order Generation, Order Transmission, Goods Receipt, Invoice ) Catalogue (Content, Content Management, Search Engine and Reporting) Analysis and Reporting Approval Rules and Workflow Transaction Collaboration (Purchase Order, Purchase Order Response, and Invoice) Supplier Portal Security Purchasing Environment (Driving Compliance)
13 GoCM: an Outsourced Solution The Government of Canada (GC) has made a strategic decision to contract to private sector firms for the provision of systems and services with a magnitude similar to that of the GoCM. The Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS) is another example of such an outsourced solution. The GoCM has been outsourced to: –Leverage the expert knowledge of industry, –Ensure that the GoCM solution is scaleable both in scope and in transaction volume, –Increase the probability of success. The GoCM contract has been separated into four (4) tasks –Task 1: Definition (Business Case) –Task 2: Configuration & Implementation –Task 3: Population & Expansion –Task 4: Operation, Maintenance & Support The GoCM Project is currently in Task 2
14 Legal Considerations Procurement –Trade agreements –Partnering –Ownership of assets (renting vs. buying) –Supplier relationships –Liability –Legal clauses for standing offers regarding electronic catalogues and services An e-Marketplace Service –Digital signatures –Non-repudiation –System of record
15 Future Opportunities for the GoCM Financial System Integration Electronic Supplier Portal Electronic Bidding Request for Volume Discounts (RVDs) Near-dynamic Updates
16 GoCM Implementation Challenges Magnitude of the roll-out to all GC departments and agencies Training all GC users (approximately 60,000) User support / Help Desk Identity Management Resistance to change Competing services
17 Agenda The Government of Canada & e- Procurement Government of Canada Marketplace (GoCM) Project Update Mobile Devices in Procurement In your experience…
18 Current Situation No specific role for PDA’s Not a common tool / device for purchasers –Not all employees have cell phones –PDA’s are normally reserved for senior staff –Most purchasing is done by junior staff PDA’s may be used by suppliers to receive bidding information
19 Wireless Environment in the GC Wireless spans several layers Use of devices in Personal Area emerging Pilots conducted for Wireless LAN Satellite services for remote connectivity highly successful Large implementation of BlackBerry services both in private sector and in government for and cell-phone Concern with meeting government high security requirements for information protection Commercial infrastructure is generally land-based, with wireless service providers emerging in large market areas and commercial buildings (airports, hotels, convention centers)
20 Drivers & Challenges Drivers Increase efficiencies Continue to be a world leader in electronic commerce Drivers Increase efficiencies Continue to be a world leader in electronic commerce Challenges Non-repudiation Security of Bid Contents Identity Management Challenges Non-repudiation Security of Bid Contents Identity Management
21 Identity Management: Problem Statement There is currently no single source of trustworthy data that can be used to uniquely identify GC employees for internal online transactions and that can be easily shared or leveraged to determine whether someone is, in fact, who or what they are declared to be. In the absence of a trustworthy data store, several horizontal applications are individually creating user profiles to manage their own users, despite the fact that they share a common user community. To date, programs have done one-offs that are not shareable or re- usable for other emerging program applications - this will continue unless there is a common solution that will support multiple credentials. Establishing identity for the purposes of digital signature - another common requirement of these initiatives, becomes convoluted and difficult to manage across disparate implementations.
22 Identity Management: Vision Enrolment and Authorization Services intends to support a networked Government in which GC employees can easily conduct on-line transactions with key “shared services” applications with multiple credentials, while protecting the privacy and security of their identity information and enabling the authorization of transactions using secure electronic signatures. Specifically, the Identity Management project will support: Common identity profile management Authentication services Support for digital signature services Access control Self-serve profile management
23 Identity Management: Objectives Authenticate a user at a central policy enforcement point common to participating applications Support electronic chain of evidence requirements for sessions brokered by the common authentication solution Meaningfully identify a user accessing any of the participating applications with a level of assurance appropriate to the application (common solution for supporting multiple credentials) Manage and provide self-management to users who have been meaningfully identified by the common identification solution Digitally sign an authorization of a business transaction through a web browser session Enrolment and Authorization Services will define, architect and guide the implementation of services and tools that will provide the following specific functionality:
24 Identity Management: The Identity Profile PRI, SIN, TIN or other unique numbers and application-specific information. Application Specific Identity Characteristics Application Specific First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Mother ’ s Maiden Name, Digital Certificate (CERT) Validated Identity Characteristics Validated Identity characteristics validated by a credential. Used to identify a person - Who are they? What do they have? What do they know? Address, Phone Number, , Department Supporting Identity Characteristics Supporting Other related identity attributes that are subject to frequent change. These characteristics are often access by multiple applications Identity Profile: A collection of associated characteristics for an individual. Identity Data Store: Repository that stores identity profile information. Sometimes referred to as a directory.
25 Agenda The Government of Canada & e- Procurement Government of Canada Marketplace (GoCM) Project Update Mobile Devices in Procurement In your experience…
26 When implementing GEPS… What was your implementation approach How did you train all users? How did you set-up systems support and help desk? How do you handle digital signatures? Were interfaces to the external systems difficult to develop? Were there any privacy issues? What was your biggest challenge?