The American Dream: The Promise and the Pitfalls
Consumer Jungle The American Dream: A Perspective “We hold these truths to be self-evident--that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” Thomas Jefferson
Consumer Jungle The American Dream: A Perspective “The entire essence of America is the hope to first make money – then make money with money – then make lots of money with lots of money” Paul Erdman
Consumer Jungle What is the American Dream? The belief that everyone in the United States has the chance to achieve and prosper.
Consumer Jungle The Promise of the American Dream Historical perspective Symbol of the opportunities inherent in a democracy Immigration and the American Dream Diversity as a major strength in our society The American Dream as a motivating force that attracts immigrants The belief that hard work, ingenuity, and perseverance can take you anywhere!
Consumer Jungle The Changing Face of the American Dream The American Dream is defined as the opportunity to achieve and prosper. The definition of “prosperity” continues to expand continually. The level of income needed to “fulfill one’s dreams” doubled between 1986 and 1994 and now totals over twice the U.S. median income. The size of the American “dream house” has increased from 1,200 square feet in the 1940’s to over 3,000 square feet in the 1990’s. Ecologists estimate that it would take three planets to provide an American standard of living to the entire world. Source: “Redefining the American Dream,” Island Press,
Consumer Jungle The Pitfalls of the American Dream What are the impacts when the American Dream goes too far - when enough isn’t enough? Personally Culturally Environmentally
Consumer Jungle The Pitfalls of the American Dream Brainstorm the potential negative personal impacts of the American Dream:
Consumer Jungle The Pitfalls of the American Dream Brainstorm the potential negative cultural impacts of the American Dream:
Consumer Jungle The Pitfalls of the American Dream Brainstorm the potential negative environmental impacts of the American Dream:
Consumer Jungle Quote “The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money” Anonymous
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