Make Money with English Free Licences Make Money with English Free Licences Download, print, copy, and sell English materials!
Make Money with English Free Licences How Can I Make Money? Part 1: Free Copying Licence Copy and print books, then sell them to students at your school. Work in partnership with your school, with colleagues, with friends, or neighbours, or on your own! Set up a distribution deal with bookstores. Create your own compilation and market and sell it, e.g. 100 grammar worksheets. You can claim copyright on any adapted work, but not on the original content. Publish them in a newspaper, magazine, journal, etc. as free content. Sell them online. Put them on any server (e.g. a college intranet) or another website. Your idea here! ________________________________. The business plan is your responsibility – we only provide the raw materials – so make sure that your income will be higher than your costs! (Of course, you could also distribute the materials for free…!)
3. Free Copying Licence – Examples of Use The map on this page shows how people in many different situations around the world are using these free licences now (January 2010). We want to add your name to the map! Case Study 1: INDIA (Haripad) “I am an English teacher and I have an English institute named CFEE (Centre for English Education). I am using a lot of worksheets from English I am very happy with English Banana, and I appreciate all those who behind. I have an idea to use your Big Activity Book by printing it and distribute it (freely) to my students and their friends. So I request you to send your authorization certificate and I promise you that I will mention English Banana in those books. Hope your help.”
Make Money with English Free Licences Free Copying Licence – Examples of Use Case Study 2: BANGLADESH (Khulna) “I want to begin a school to teach how to speak in English fluently, entitled as ‘Talk-a-Lot’, and want to publish the resources, including Big Grammar Book.” Case Study 3: KYRGYZSTAN (Bishkek) “We take this opportunity to seek your assistance to support the project titled as Improvement of the quality of English language teaching in secondary schools Kyrgyzstan, in particular to give us a written consent to publish teaching materials from your site in the newspaper named Kutbilim, social and educational science and popular publication. We think that the material is a great alignment with the needs of the project. This project will provide English teachers of 2,113 secondary schools with free access to teaching methodology and professional development information through Kutbilim newspaper with an issue of 12,000 copies covering all schools and many libraries in Kyrgyzstan...”
Make Money with English Free Licences Free Copying Licence – Examples of Use Case Study 3: KYRGYZSTAN kutbilim-october pdf
3. Free Copying Licence – Examples of Use Case Study 3: KYRGYZSTAN
Make Money with English Free Licences Free Copying Licence – Examples of Use Case Study 4: INDIA October 2008 – K.M. from India wrote: “I want to take print of all lesson and worksheet to distribute in my village school. I will take just process charge (minimum).” Case Study 5: INDIA Example of adapting a Talk a Lot book: sarva-siksha-abhiyaan-education-drive&catid=34:efg&Itemid=66
Make Money with English Free Licences This is a Unique Offer! Nobody Else is Offering This! Remember: you are allowed to: Use the materials free of charge, with no licence charges, and make a profit from sales or courses using materials. You may adapt English materials. You may remove the English name and logo from the materials, or replace it with your own. You don’t have to give us any credit, or even contact us prior to using these licences, but if you do we could help with promotion (see below). “In short, if you can use English materials in any way, this licence gives you permission to use them.”
Make Money with English Free Licences How Can I Make Money? Part 2: Free Licence to Run Courses Start a course and charge students, while using the free materials. Start a course, charge students, and make them buy the course books. Plan your course using the free planning materials: The business plan is your responsibility – we only provide the raw materials – so make sure that your income will be higher than your costs! (Of course, you could also offer your courses and the materials for free…!)
Make Money with English Free Licences Free Licence to Run Courses – Examples of Use The map on this page shows how people in many different situations around the world are using these free licences now. We want to add your name to the map! Case Study 1: SRI LANKA “Hi, i am [M.] from Sri Lanka an English Teacher by Profession. I have come across your Talk a Lot Book which really thrilled me. i am running an institution in Sri Lanka. i have planned to start a course based on these books. i will update to the progress in future. “i need a favour from you. at the end of the course i would like to mention your name in the certificate. if you an affiliate our institute we will be able to issue a certificate with your logo and signature on it which will definitely impress the students and they will be satisfied that the course is based on foreign syllabus and the certificate has an international recognition. At the end of the course i can send the certificates to you via mail. you can sign them and return them back. How does it sound? please let us know about your stance. Thank you.”
Make Money with English Free Licences Free Licence to Run Courses – Examples of Use Case Study 2: THAILAND (Bangkok) “I teach English in Thailand at one of the most influential all boys colleges in Bangkok. I also teach privately and have found the Talk a Lot program both fast, effective and professional… I work and teach English in Thailand. I have used your materials for around 12 months and have found them to be an excellent source for materials and information. As a qualified teacher from England and now a licensed teacher in Thailand, I am involved with teaching in both the classroom and privately. My project is to expand my private teaching using Talk a Lot exclusively as I have found that it really covers all aspects of teaching English. My goal is to get the language off the page and out of the students' mouths. Talk a Lot has helped me to do this very successfully…” Case Study 3: JAPAN (Tokyo) “I am currently teaching English in Japan, working for others. I want to do my own thing here and I would like for your courses to be a big part of my program. My students and I really enjoy your courses. The course will be used at my home and business. Thank you very much!”
Make Money with English Free Licences Free Licence to Run Courses – Examples of Use Case Study 4: USA (Bronx, New York City) “The name of my school is Liberty Learning Group. The idea behind my project is practice makes perfect, especially when it comes to learning English. I established this idea to help all people in my community with help in learning English, but in a group keeping in step with our community. Together we learn more. I currently have over 45 members between both my groups... I thought of going to the next step and using computers to help in the practice of learning English by having students go to the library and visit your website and enjoy using your materials and lessons to better themselves. I plan to use your materials to review and reinforce what they learned. I will use your website English to have my members read and complete lessons. For those who do not have access to computers I have purchased two computers from eBay to assist in reaching my goal.”
Make Money with English Free Licences Why Free Licences? Yes, distribution of materials = we get paid. We get paid when people visit our site. But… the primary goal is altruistic, charitable, philanthropic, humanitarian… to make the world a better place. We believe that education should be free – with the opportunity to learn English open to all. “There is no wealth but life.” John Ruskin, social thinker ( )
Make Money with English Free Licences Why Free Licences? “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Leo Tolstoy, writer ( )
Make Money with English Free Licences Why Free Licences? Why do it? Because I can! I own the rights to these materials, and I want to do it. Paradox: the more we give away, the more we receive… Like any writer, I want my work to be read, and also to be useful. I believe that it’s far better for many people to use the materials for free, than for a handful of people to use them and pay. “I feel that the quotation at the top of this page says it all: ‘There is no wealth but life.’ What do we have of value, really, apart from life? Life is fleeting, so if somebody sees value in my work – the English materials – and can use it to improve their quality of life, I’m very happy for them to do so. I hope that perhaps you will be able to benefit from one or both Free English Licences.”
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