WATERTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT Operating Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 2016 Wednesday May 20, 2015
MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Watertown Fire Department is to provide the citizens and visitors of Watertown with an effective, well-trained team of professionals to protect their lives and property through: Fire Prevention and Education Code Enforcement Fire Suppression Emergency Medical Services Rescue Services Emergency Management
ORGANIZATION The Watertown Fire Department is comprised of *87 Uniformed personnel and 2 civilian clerks. 4 personnel comprise the administrative staff and the remaining 83 suppression personnel are divided into 4 work groups with a minimum of 17 Fire Officers and Firefighters per shift. 1 Fire Chief 4 Deputy Fire Chiefs (On duty Incident Commanders) 8 Fire Captains- 6 Suppression, 2 Administrative Staff 15 Lieutenants- 14 Suppression, 1 Training/Emergency Medical Services *59 Firefighters-All Suppression, no administrative positions *4 positions funded by FEMA’s SAFER Grant for FY’16
STATIONS FIRE HEADQUARTERS-99 Main Street *Engine 1, Ladder 1, C2, Marine 1, Engine 4 (Reserve) STATION MT Auburn Street *Engine 2, Ladder 2 STATION Orchard Street *Engine 3, Rescue 1, Rescue 2 (Reserve/Intermittent)
APPARATUS 3 Frontline Engines station) 3 Frontline Engines station) *2 Aerials-(1 tower-ladder, 1 ladder) *2 Aerials-(1 tower-ladder, 1 ladder) *1 aerial out of service when minimum staffing level is at 16* *1 aerial out of service when minimum staffing level is at 16* 1 Frontline Ambulance 1 Frontline Ambulance 1 Command Vehicle 1 Command Vehicle 1 reserve engine 1 reserve engine 1 reserve ambulance 1 reserve ambulance 1 marine unit 1 marine unit 1 Rescue support trailer 1 Rescue support trailer 4 Administrative vehicles 4 Administrative vehicles
OPERATIONS OPERATIONS Emergency Medical Services Rescue Fire Suppression Hazardous Materials Response
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES The Watertown Fire Department provides 24 hour Basic Life Support (BLS) Transport Services. Eighty of the eighty-two members of the department are Massachusetts Certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) with eight certified as EMT-Paramedics. The Watertown Fire Department does not currently deploy fire based paramedics. Ambulance billing rates per patient transport support the cost of providing EMS(FY’16 Revenue Estimate of Ambulance transport fees is $700,000.)
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Patient Assessment Automated External Defibrillation (AED) Naloxone (Narcan) Delivery (Opioid Antagonist counters narcotic overdoses) Oxygen Therapy Epinephrine Auto-Injection (Anaphylaxis) Albuterol Nebulizing Treatment Splinting/Bandaging/Spinal Immobilization Oxygen Saturation Monitoring Carbon Monoxide (CO) Level Monitoring Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Patient Transport to Area Hospitals BLS Services include:
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Advanced Life Support (ALS) Services and Paramedic Response is contracted through Armstrong Ambulance Service, a private ambulance company. Performed 1,160 ALS transports in Average ALS response time in 2014 was 7 minutes 12 seconds. NFPA 1710 response time requirement is 8 minutes for 90% of ALS responses.
“Most calls handled by a modern fire department (for some the number is as high as 70 percent) are medical emergencies.” Managing Fire and Rescue Services 2 nd Edition, International City/County Managers Association EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES
2010 2,656 57% ,789 61% ,669 62% ,793 64% , % 5 Year Annual Average= 2,764 runs= 5 Year Annual Average= 2,764 runs= 62% call volume. Percentage of EMS Runs YearEMS RunsPercentage
RESCUE Motor Vehicle Accidents Industrial Accidents Ice Rescue Water Rescue Confined Space Rescue
FIRE PREVENTION 1 Fire Captain and 1 Principle Clerk 1 Fire Captain and 1 Principle Clerk Manage in-service engine/ladder company inspection program including scheduling. Manage in-service engine/ladder company inspection program including scheduling. Record and issue certificates for over 500 Smoke/Carbon monoxide alarm inspections annually in accordance with MGL C148 S26F/26F1/2. Record and issue certificates for over 500 Smoke/Carbon monoxide alarm inspections annually in accordance with MGL C148 S26F/26F1/2. Record and issue certificates for mandatory quarterly inspection program in accordance with MGL C148 S4, including private and municipal education facilities, daycare/pre-school, healthcare facilities, residential care facilities and inn holders facilities. Record and issue certificates for mandatory quarterly inspection program in accordance with MGL C148 S4, including private and municipal education facilities, daycare/pre-school, healthcare facilities, residential care facilities and inn holders facilities. Maintain requirements of MGL C148 S26H and I (sprinkler systems in certain structures) Maintain requirements of MGL C148 S26H and I (sprinkler systems in certain structures)
FIRE PREVENTION Manage and issue permits in accordance with MGL C148 S10C relative to oil burner repair, alteration and installation. Participate in the Massachusetts Juvenile Firesetters Intervention Program. Manages Crowd Manager Program for License Holders over 100 capacity. Training program for fire and building safety. Manages Oil Burner Inspection Program in accordance with 527 CMR4.00. Plans review Code enforcement and nuisance complaint investigation Fire and arson investigation
PUBLIC EDUCATION Student Awareness of Fire Education (SAFE) Program-suspended due to lack of resources. Fire Prevention Week Open House cancelled. Opportunities limited to school inspections and limited presentations. Provided when staffing allows upon request The department does not currently provide CPR training to the public.
STAFFING HISTORY Year # Of Staff MinimumEngines Ladders Rescues Calls ? , , , , , * ,544 *4 Firefighters funded 100% through FEMA SAFER Grant.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Carry out the Department’s mission despite a reduced budget that does not allow us to properly staff our suppression force or our prevention efforts. Work toward building out the department’s plan to combat the current narcotics abuse epidemic beyond Naloxone delivery. Reconstruct the department’s apparatus maintenance program. Continue efforts to upgrade current BLS ambulance license to a fire based ALS service. Review and revise WFD Policies/Procedures/General Orders.