BIT 142:Programming & Data Structures in C#
BIT 143 Continues where this leaves off A couple of weeks to review OOP, object composition, Big “Oh” notation, etc Then moves on to basic data structures Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists Recursion Binary Search Trees QuickSort BIT 142: Intermediate Programming2
BIT 143 Similar/same format homework assignments Weekly PCEs Students will be strongly grouped up at the start of the term Enrollment is open – sign up while there’s still space!! BIT 142: Intermediate Programming3
Today Final Exam Review Searching, Sorting Algorithms Big Oh Notation BIT 142: Intermediate Programming4
Weekly Exercises Due AT THE START OF THE EXAM!!! Because the material is on the exam The weekly exercises are due at the start of the exam The exam happens during the normally scheduled class session – see the web page for exact day/time “Weekly exercises” means PCEs Video Quiz / Video Outline To recap: The PCEs and Video Quiz/Video Outline are due at the start of the next class session, right before the exam starts!!!! 5
Final Exam: During the final lecture of the quarter Final exam Photo ID will be required Let me know if this is a problem You have enough time to get a Cascadia Student ID, if nothing else Start as early as 11am, ends at 1:05pm If you can't make this me ASAP and we'll arrange an alternate time!! Feel free to bring snacks/drinks BIT 142: Intermediate Programming6
CIEs You will need your Student ID (SID) and your password for logging on to the campus computers 7