+ Legacy of Roman Language and Writing Objective: We will be able to describe the legacy of the Roman Empire in terms of language and writing. Copy the objective across a piece of lined paper and prepare to take notes
Start by drawing a vertical line under the objective. All words that are underlined yellow go on the left side of the line. (Your ELA class might call these main ideas, “stars”.) All words that are underlined red go on the right. (Your ELA class might call these supporting details, “bars.”) Main ideas (subject) Supporting details (information) Today, use this format for copying the notes. Later on, we will work on identifying the main ideas and supporting details that we read. (Your ELA classes may also have you use this format to organize your thoughts for writing.)
+ What was the language of the Romans? Latin Modern languages developed out of Latin (English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) Latin Alphabet still used today We use word parts like prefixes and roots from Latin
+ Textbook Page 15 Track with Me
+ How many words can you list that are similar to the following Latin word? Anima Animal Animation Animated
+ How many words can you list that are similar to the following Latin word? Anima Urbs Pre Ex Sub Inter Post
+ Roman Numerals Romans used letters to represent numbers Copy numbers for 1-10 into your notes Pair-share: Where can you find Roman numerals today?
+ Can you create the Roman Numeral for…?
+ Independent Practice Write a summary at the end of your notes: Start like this: The Romans left behind a legacy of language and writing. Examples of this legacy include our use of…