1. Handouts: * Code of Hammurabi (pp. 23 – 24) 2. Assignments: * In-class—Discuss the character from the book of Daniel Read and discuss Ch. 2, Sec. 3 (pp. 40 – 44) * Homework—Code of Hammurabi (pp. 23 – 24) Due tomorrow, BOC 3. Assignments due today: * Babylonia and Assyria (pp. 22 – 23) Is there any student in this class who has not taken the quiz? 4. Bell Ringer: * See board
Outcomes: Be able to Defiine these terms: Legacy, code, cuneiform. 2. Describe the “Code of Hammurabi.” 3. State the now famous key principle upon which the Code of Hammurabi was founded. 4. Explain why the Code of Hammurabi was so significant. 5. Indicate the skill developed by Mesopotamians that made it possible to form a code of law and when they first developed that skill. 6. Describe the materials used by the Mesopotamians to record documents. 7. Explain how the invention of writing gradually developed.
Starter #1 Yesterday’s lesson mentioned a person who is featured in the book of Daniel. The incident involving him happened LONG before the Lion’s Den story. It happened when Daniel wasn’t much older than all of you. Did any of you figure out who we read about yesterday that is mentioned in the book of Daniel? How many of you own a Bible? At home tonight, see if you can find out who this person was. Remind me to show you something special this Friday....
Starter #2 As I get to know each one of you, I am convinced of one thing.... Every one of you has something you are super good at, something you have accomplished that you can be proud of. It might be something that goes back a ways in your past. There is a name for those accomplishments we have, the things we have achieved that others admire, the things we have accomplished that people remember when they think of us. Those great accomplishments become part of our _________________. legacy
Starter #3 What is a “legacy”? A legacy is what people leave behind to the world long after they are gone. For example, here in Kentucky we have two of the best college basketball coaches in the whole country. They are... Rick Pitino at University of Louisville John Calipari at University of Kentucky What is their legacy? Each coach has led their team to a National Championship Title for the state of Kentucky.
Starter #4 Today we are going to examine the legacy of Mesopotamia. As we learned yesterday from our Brain Pop video, Mesopotamia had many accomplishments. Today we are going to look at only one of their accomplishments, but a lot of historians think it was their greatest achievement, the greatest “gift” or legacy that they left behind to others. See if you agree with those historians, and if you do, be able to explain why this achievement was so important to people down through the ages, including us.