United States Native American leaders and their legacies 6 th grade western geography
Early history Native Americans were here before the first settlers in the 1400s Their land was sacred and they worshipped the Earth Eastern woodland natives fished and grew crops. They hunted and used logs to build homes and canoes.
Native Americans Plains Indians Lived in semi-permanent villages, hunted buffalo, and grew crops. Western tribes were somewhat nomadic.
Western Tribes Southwest tribes grew corn and lived in large villages made from stone or adobe. On the west coast, natives used the Pacific ocean for resources.
Differences? Similarities? EasternPlains Western West coast
Native American Leaders Not much is known about early tribal leaders, but Native Americans have had many great and noble leaders. Men and women who earned the respect of all. These men and women have lasted the test of time and are remembered for what they have given their own people and our country.
Pocahontas 1595?-1617 Captured and brought to England as civilized “savage” Not Captain John Smith’s wife or girlfriend Married English man John Rolfe Died at age of 22?
Tecumseh Battle of Fallen Timbers 1794 Fought with British in War of 1812 Tried to unite all tribes into one super tribe called Tecumseh’s Confederacy Died in the war of 1812 at the Battle of Thames. He fought with the British He disliked Americans for the taking of his land and separation of his family
Sacajawea Helped Lewis and Clark navigate a passage westward in 1805.
Geronimo An Apache Shaman Protested white domination after being forced to cut his hair and change his clothes. Was forced to walk in shackles on way to Alabama. He was made to leave his home
Sitting Bull Battled against land agreements that forced Natives off their home land.
Crazy Horse Youngest Lakota Shirtwearer ever. Led his people in numerous battles. Most remembered for Little Big Horn. Memorialized in a mountain sculpture in South Dakota
Native American Leaders Now If you had to interview one Native American leader from those reviewed, who would you pick? Why? How do you think they would answers these questions: Are you proud of the legacy you left behind? Why or why not? What do you think about the current situation of Native American people? Do you think white people have treated Native Americans fairly throughout history? Use examples to explain. Don’t know – look it up.