Comprehensive Issues List Green Ribbon Task Force on Forest Products, Conservation and Jobs
Forest Conservation and Sustainability
Well-functioning forest landscapes Fragmentation Parcelization Land conversion Energy development Sprawl Lack of landowner legacy planning Lack of management for existing fragmentation
Invasive species Pests/disease leading to changing composition of the forest Competition from invasive plants
Forest health Climate change Weather events Resiliency
Regeneration Deer Lack of landowner incentives
Harvesting practices High grading No market in urban/suburban areas
Awareness and education Landowners’ lack of knowledge and follow-through/use of existing resources Connection between wildlife and timber harvesting not seen Lack of communication on human health benefits, ecological services Cultural shifts/perception of timber harvesting Landowners limiting harvesting access Consulting forester pressure to over-harvest Public perception is more negative
Economic drivers Many issues with Clean and Green Payments in lieu of taxes seen as insufficient/formula is outdated No value for ecosystem services (carbon credits, water quality) Need for alternative monetary incentive to hold onto land
Land use policy Forests seen as undeveloped or “vacant” land Forests not considered in many county/municipal plans No forest easement program Overly restrictive local ordinances on timber harvesting
Water Stormwater Water quality
Urban forestry Not included in many forest-related conversations Majority of people live in urban areas and have limited connection to large forests
Forest conservation jobs Poor definition and therefore little public awareness/appeal
Workforce Development and Jobs
Recruitment into forest-related jobs Shortage of loggers Shortages/recruitment issues in forest-related trades Getting youth interested in forest-related jobs
Negative public perception of the forest products industry Lack of awareness of modern industry Lack of awareness at all levels, particularly youth
Disconnect between education/training and current forest jobs Forest jobs have undergone modernization recently Training may not be geared for current skills and tasks
Lack of clear/cohesive job- development paths into forest jobs Training and education not developed to create clear paths Need for industry and government support to help build paths
Logging and other equipment not always well-suited for current needs Can’t be used on all terrain Can’t be used on all resources Silvicultural limitations
Worker’s Compensation Creates additional safety issues – loggers working alone Cost to companies Disincentives for companies to train new/existing workers
Economic barriers High cost of equipment Sales taxes on equipment and other items
Wage competition From external industries From within the industry Impact of Amish workers/businesses
Lack of public and industry supports Need for cross-cutting programs to improve workforce recruitment and development, involving multiple partners Lack of industry partnerships within the forest products world
Economic Development and Products
PA is not fully capitalizing on forest-based economic opportunities – Timber and traditional products Transportation and infrastructure issues Need for understanding constraints of middle-men/producers/buyers Lack of demand at home Lack of uses for low-value wood
PA is not fully capitalizing on forest-based economic opportunities – Non-timber products Need for better, more sustainable growing and harvesting methods Lack of new markets and demand
PA is not fully capitalizing on forest-based economic opportunities – Ecosystem services Carbon offsets Water quality Others
PA is not fully capitalizing on forest-based economic opportunities – Recreation and tourism Lack of infrastructure and support for small business and startups Need for marketing support
Disconnect between locally-sourced materials and manufacturing Need for messaging/branding to highlight durability, quality of PA forest products Government not enough of a leader on use of sustainable, durable wood through its own buildings and through grants
Lack of /disincentives for entrepreneurship opportunities Lack of support for makers and manufacturers Small/rural manufacturers left behind during rapid tech. improvements Internet access 3-D printing, other innovations Traditional manufacturing equipment improvements