Alexander the Great
Macedonia ( B.C.) Powerful city-state in northern Greece grew powerful while Athens and Sparta fought Macedonian king, Philip II, conquers lower Greece
Alexander Alexander the Great – young ruler of Macedonia/Greece who invades Persia as his father planned quickly conquers the Persian Empire while greatly outnumbered Inspired by Illiad
Empire builds the city of Alexandria in Egypt largest land empire in history at that time
India 326 B.C.- Alexander reached India but his soldiers did not want to go on. Alexander crossed Nile, Euphrates, Tigris and Indus Rivers
Legacy Army begins to return to Greece Heading back, Alexander dies at 32 left behind a legacy and an empire that spread Hellenistic(Greek) culture through the Middle East
Aftermath kingdoms continued to spread Greek culture (religion, architecture, science, and technology) later led to Middle East surpassing Europe