ESRIN – Frascati, Italy September 20, 2013 NASA Report GEOSS Vision and Architecture Meeting ESRIN – Frascati, Italy September 20, 2013 Andrew Mitchell Earth Science Data and Information Systems (ESDIS) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
2 Coordinating NASA’s Earth Observing System NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) Mission is to collect Earth remote sensing data for global change research program NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) A petabyte-scale archive of environmental data that supports global climate change research Designed to receive, process, distribute and archive several terabytes of science data per day Provides a distributed information framework supporting EOS investigators and other users Open Data Policy – Data are openly available to all and free of charge except where governed by international agreements By having open application layers to the EOSDIS framework, we allow many other value-added services access to NASA’s vast Earth Science Collection Interoperates with data archives of other agencies and countries
3 Earth Science Measurements Acrimsat Terra TRMM Temperature Moisture Sea Surface Winds Ecosystem Dynamics SORCE Aura Rain Sea Ice Ocean Biology Ocean Surface Topography Aqua Land Ice and Snow Cover Ocean Circulation Evaporation H 2 O Fire Occurrence Land Biology Rain CloudSat CALIPSO Jason OSTM Ice Bridge Volcanology GRACE
4 Alaska Satellite Facility Sea Ice, Polar Processes… Physical Oceanography DAAC Sea Surface Temperature, Ocean Winds… National Snow & Ice Data Center Snow and Ice, Cryosphere... Land Processes DAAC Surface Reflectance, Land Cover… Global Hydrology Resource Center DAAC Hydrologic Cycle, Severe Weather Inter- Actions… Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC Ecological Data, Environmental Processes… Crustal Dynamics Data Information System Space Geodesy, Solid Earth Langley Research Center Atmospheric Science Data Center Clouds, Aerosols… Goddard Earth Science Data & Information Services Center Global Precipitation, Solar Irradiance… Ocean Biology Processing Group Ocean Biology… Level-1 Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System Atmosphere Data Products… Socioeconomic Data & Applications Center Human Interactions, Land Use… Distributed Centers of Expertise DAAC – Data Active Archive Center
5 Global Change Master Directory - GCMD GCMD is a directory of Earth science data and services, funded by NASA for the purpose of tracking and subsequently locating Earth science data and services. The GCMD holds more than 25,000 Earth science data set and service descriptions, which cover subject areas within the Earth and environmental sciences. The GCMD offers descriptions of Earth science data sets using the Directory Interchange Format (DIF). Maintains one of the world's most popular hierarchical set of Earth science keywords. The CEOS International Directory Network (IDN) is part of NASA's contribution to international Earth sciences efforts. It extends the GCMD capabilities for use by interagency and international collaborators.
6 ECHO Architecture ECHO is NASA’s middleware layer between Earth science data and users via a service-oriented architecture. Designed to improve the discovery and access of NASA data. Acts as an order broker between end users and EOSDIS Data Centers who provide metadata for their data holdings and other Earth science-related data holdings. User-defined specialized “clients” can be easily developed to give science data users of their community access to data and services using ECHO’s open APIs. Developed as a part of NASA’s core data systems but fully adaptable to the needs/requirem ents of science communities.
7 EOSDIS LANCE Activity Land and Atmosphere Near real- time Capability for EOS (LANCE) LANCE is a component of EOSDIS that generates and distributes products from 5 instruments; AIRS (Aqua) and MLS (Aura), MODIS (Aqua and Terra), OMI (Aura) and AMSR-E (Aqua) Provides data to applications community within less than 2.5 hours of observation (standard latency for science-quality products is typically hours) Provides both data and imagery for quick evaluation
8 Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) Provides: Standards-based access to EOSDIS imagery Global imagery becomes accessible by many heavily used GIS packages (e.g., Google Earth, ESRI ArcGIS, OpenLayers, NASA/ARC World Wind clients) Highly scalable and responsive services using proven Google Maps- like backend Users have come to expect a highly interactive imagery browsing experience that we haven’t yet provided Enables a full-resolution, global, “no boundaries” style of interactive browsing to augment the traditional subsets-based method (e.g. Rapid Response) Capability for DAACs and all users to embed lightweight imagery browsing “widgets” into their web pages Applications can range from ECHO to DAACs to mobile apps for emergency management Global Imagery Browse Services High-Level Description
9 Use Cases External user includes NASA imagery layers as a supplement to their primary layers (e.g., FEMA, EPA; Google Maps, ESRI)
10 Disasters SBA Report Main 2013 achievements/outcomes: DI-01-C1_2 Architecture GEOSS Architecture for Disasters – Describe and document a high-level reference model for the use of satellites and associated data to support disaster management and risk assessment 2013 Achievements/Outcomes: – Contributions to ad hoc WG on DRM regarding architecture and data considerations – Co-hosted GEOSS Future Products Workshop (featuring architectures) March 2013 – GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP-5) contributions of targeted satellite images as tiled overlays for dashboard display enabling users to customize view of selected data product layers accessed using Cloud-technology January 2013 Enterprise Viewpoint: Activities for Satellite Products in DRM User-generated postings Routine / Global Monitoring 1. Event detection Routine / Global model outputs 4. Modeling Task sensors In situ Remote Acquire data 3. Data acquisition Archive Visualize Ongoing updates Alerts / Notices Publish product 6. Dissemination Preprocess Analyze 5. Analysis Interpret Decision Analysis: Act / Plan 2. Situational Awareness Gather / Assimilate Information Local Forecast Hindcast Nowcast Future remaining milestones –Final Architecture document to be presented at WGISS-36 September 17, 2013 –New capability enabling mobile device users to request customized data products to be demonstrated at AIP-6 January 2014 –WGISS project completes in January 2014 –Continuing information systems and services architecture contributions anticipated in future CEOS disasters initiatives
11 The ESDIS project released a new Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) website. This release is the first step in a continuing process of improving the ESDIS and EOSDIS web presence and services, as well as representing EOSDIS as an efficient and interoperable program to support NASA’s Earth science research. This new website reorganizes the information into an intuitive, logical structure facilitating users’ discovery of the wide array of services and content offered throughout EOSDIS (refer to Coherent Web Presence Across the ES Data System
12 SMAP 2014 ICESat SWOT 2020 PACE 2020 (NOTIONAL) L-Band SAR NET 2021 (NOTIONAL) CLARREO NET 2022 NASA Earth Science Planned Missions ( ) OCO SAGE-III (on ISS) 2014 Grace-FO 2017 OCO-3 (on ISS) 2017 GPM 2014 CYGNSS EVM-1, 2017 TEMPO EVI-1, 2019 EVI EVM EVI
Coordinating NASA’s Earth Observing System