“Partnerships are a vital element in contributing to the mission and the culture of the National Park Service.” —National Park Service Director Fran Mainella Accomplishing Work With Partners
150 Friends Groups Serving 160 Parks Donating $17 Million Annually National Park Foundation Grants, Bequests, Cause-Related Marketing $34 Million in Grants to NPS in FY ,000 Volunteers in Parks 4.5 Million Hours of Service Valued at $77 Million annually 65 Cooperating Associations With Over 1,000 Sales Outlets $26 Million in Aid to Parks Annually Donations and Philanthropy in the National Park System
National Partnership Office Internal assistance through the management of the partnership construction process and the interpretation of the Director’s Order on Donations and Fundraising (DO #21). External coordination between agency and key organizations, including the National Park Foundation. Oversight of national cause-related marketing and donor recognition programs. Inter-agency cooperation to foster conservation and stewardship through partnerships and to share best practices. Strengthen partnerships and develop a culture of collaboration through the planning and delivery of training programs for all levels of the agency.
The National Park Foundation ( chartered by Congress in 1967, is the official non-profit partner of America's national parks. Mission: To strengthen the enduring connection between the American people and their national parks by raising private funds, making strategic grants, creating innovative partnerships and increasing public awareness. Over the past seven years, the Foundation has contributed more than $135 million in total grants and program support to national parks across the country. The Foundation and the NPS have jointly agreed to four programmatic areas for fundraising/grants:
Four Programmatic Areas 1. Visitor Experience 2. Volunteerism 3. Education 4. Community Engagement A fifth area is now being considered by the NPS and NPF titled Conservation and Preservation Leadership which would allow the development of fundraising efforts to support innovation-focused programs and large-scale, highly visible capital projects.
National Park Foundation Funding Private and corporate philanthropy Proud Partner Program -- $12+ million in cash, in-kind and communication American Airlines Discovery Ford Kodak Unilever Connecting our Children to America: The National Park Foundation Junior Ranger Campaign ($10 million) First Lady Laura Bush Honorary Chair
Direct Grants –More than 350 individual grants –More than 230 individual parks, programs, centers, and partners Massive public education campaign –Advertising Equivalent to 7 Super bowl ads –Public Relations Hundreds of local, regional and national stories, all positive –Direct Mail 20 million Americans reached Benefits
Gettysburg National Military Park Gettysburg National Battlefield Museum Foundation Museum and Visitor Center Partnership Mission : To provide an understanding and greater appreciation of the significance of the Gettysburg Campaign within the context of the causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War. To excite visitors about the past and to inspire them to want to learn more about the events that have shaped America.
The Foundation has identified more than 75 million in commitments in support of the fundraising campaign million – 15.9 percent – has been appropriated by Congress 20.5 million – 27.3 percent- from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania $42.6 million percent from the private sector. A major focus of the campaign is a 139,000 square foot new Museum and Visitor Center
Goals of the museum partnerships are Protect the park's collection of objects and archives Goals of the Museum and Visitor Center Partnership are to:
Preserve the Cyclorama Painting
Restore the Battlefield Landscapes
Improve Interpretation and Educational Opportunities for Park Visitors
Statue of Liberty – Ellis Island National Monument Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation Peopling of America Center Project Goals: Restore and modify existing facility for installation of new exhibits. Design, fabricate, and install exhibits for the new Peopling of America Center. Rehabilitate space for museum collections storage and operations.
Project Purposes Reach and become relevant to more diverse audiences – Present a comprehensive story of the migration of all Americans within the broader context of global migration – Enable all visitors to make a personal connection with Ellis Island Improve storage conditions for the park’s museum collections
Cooperating Associations : The Enduring Partnership
FY 2003 At-a-Glance 65National Park Service Cooperating Associations 340 National Parks with Cooperating Association operations Cooperating Association National Park Outlets $117Million in Revenue generated $26Million Donated to NPS for Interpretation & Education
Discovery Rooms Traveling Trunks Website development Support for Junior Ranger Programs Seminars Grants & Scholarships Tide Pool Explorations Adopt-a-Bat Program Community events Conference sponsorship Artist/Writers-in-Residence
Crissy Field Golden Gate National Recreation Area Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
Established in 1981, the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy is a cooperating association authorized by Congress to support and assist the National Park Service in research, interpretation and conservation programs. Mission: Created to preserve the Golden Gate National Parks, enhance the experiences of park visitors, and build a community dedicated to conserving the parks for the future.
Crissy Field - A national park site created by the community for the community. Crissy Field’s transformation includes the transformation of 100 acres of asphalt, hard-packed dirt and chain-link fences to a national park site.
The $34 million restoration addressed: Restoration History Wildlife Education Accessibility Community Building
Innovative Programs- Innovative Approaches Working with special interest groups to provide access in parks Blue Ribbon Coalition International Biking Association American Recreation Coalition
Partnerships “Voluntary relationships that advance our respective missions by doing work collaboratively…” Director Mainella …Benefits often extend into the future, because many people who participate as partners connect more strongly with the parks and commit themselves to long-term stewardship. NPS Management Policies, 2001