Trends in Healthcare You Must be Aware of The Patient is not the patient. The person is the Customer Nurses must not treat patients, but rather provide services for customers and consumers of services Nurses must be innovators and inventors of tech and service delivery innovations(Discuss hospital capital groups Nurses as Change leaders for New Service delivery, Organizational mergers and partnerships Overseeing 0rganizational and nursing unit consolidation Overseeing move from acute care to outpatient services(50% less beds)
New Trends in Healthcare Nurses need to develop innovation centers based upon research Nurses need to use innovation centers to increase revenue Nurses need to develop and lead the development of prevention based programs Nurses need to keep data of prevention and cost savings
Overview What is a Thought Leader Finding Your Nursing Passion Finding the Ripples of Influence Activating your Network Overcoming Your Own Limitations What is Your Intellectual Property What is the SHOUT Message Inciting Change
What is a Thought Leader A thought leader in Nursing is one who can inspire others with Innovative and Create New ways of Delivery Healthcare/Nursing. Seven Steps to Becoming a Thought Leader A) Finding your Passion and Expertise in Nursing B) Who is your Network of Influence C) Communicating with Your network D) Defeating your own Self Doubt E) Inciting Change
Finding Your Nursing Passion There are several Questions that you need to answer. A) What are the areas of Nursing that you want to be the expert and “Go to Person” B) Do you have a clear idea of the trends in Nursing and Healthcare C) What are the ideas and innovations that you want to instill in others
Finding Your Ripples of Influence A) Can you distill information in a succinct way to other nurses B) I am always consulting with other nurses and health professionals about new ways of Nursing C) Having a Large Network of Professionals to Communicate with.
Finding Your Influence A) I have an active list of Forums both in person and on line to share ideas with. B) I regularly attend Nursing Conferences Meetings Outside of Work(At least Quarterly)
How to Use the Network A) How to Build Network B) Development of your Own Personal view of Nursing C) How to communicate with Your Network
Preventing Self Limitation A) See Nurses as Victims B) Believing Your Ideas are worthwhile C) Stepping into the Limelight
Preventing Self Limitation A)Believing in your ideas that you are willing to risk reputation B) I have a support System C) Counseling if necessary
SHOUT System A) I am comfortable writing and speaking B) I have activate in Social Media primarily Linked IN C) Belonging to Professional Specialty Nursing Organizations
Shout System A) I have a professional brand that makes me different than other nurses B) I am actively writing for Blogs etc. C) What makes you different from other nurses. How do you stand out in the crowd
Immediate Actions Needed to be a Thought Leader A) Enroll in Higher Education B) Join a Variety of Professional Organizations Volunteer in Organization C) Take Nursing Certification Examinations
Immediate Actions A) Volunteer for Committees At work B) Develop and Activate your Professional Network C) Read Nursing Journals and Newsletter(Respond to Letters to the Editor)
Interested in Learning More If you are interested in learning more Dr. Dan Berman has developed a program designed to help nurses become thought leaders Either in the National, State or Local Areas of Healthcare As an Entrepreneur Or as a Intrapreneur If interested please follow up with:
For More Information Dr. Dan Berman CEO Dr. Dan Berman (P)