E-Governance Technologies and Services MASTER'S CURRICULUM IN IT INGMAR PAPPEL
Interdisciplinary program Different disciplines ◦IT and services ◦Law and state ◦Public administration ◦(Economy and finance) Different specialisations: ◦e-governance services – strategy, PA, law, general management ◦e-governance technologies – IT manager, architect, technology management
Structure Basic studies module(s) Basic Module24 ECP Core studies module(s) Core Module24 ECP Special studies module(s) Practice6 ECP e-governance services / technologies30 ECP Free choice courses module(s) Free Choise Studies6 ECP Graduation thesis30 ECP TOTAL120 ECP
Basic studies Compulsory ◦Introduction to ICT and e-Governance ◦Information Society Concepts and Principles ◦State and Governance ◦eGovernance: Policies, Strategies and Frameworks Free choice ◦Technology and Society ◦Business Information Systems ◦Development Policies and Globalization
Core studies Compulsory: ◦Legal Framework of e-Governance ◦Planning and Implementing e-governance ◦Business process modeling and automation Optional: ◦Enterprise Business Architecture Development ◦Innovation ◦Public Management and Administration
Special studies - E-governance services Compulsory: ◦Practice ◦Service-Orientation in the Public Sector ◦Methodology for e-governance implementation and marketing ◦Teamwork – project Optional: ◦Concepts of e-Democracy ◦Technical Change and Techno-economic Paradigms ◦Policy Skills: Strategic Management, Policy Analysis and Lesson-Drawing ◦Agent-Oriented Modelling and Multiagent Systems ◦Introduction to development in cloud
Special studies - E-governance technologies Compulsory: ◦Practice ◦Teamwork – project ◦Information Management and Digital Archiving ◦Design and development of data exchange layer for government information systems Optional: ◦Security and Privacy in a Networked World ◦Technology and the individual: ethics of law and technology ◦Internet of things solutions: smart devices, processes and services ◦Legal Aspects of Software and Database Protection ◦Usability of virtual environments
E-government laboratory Practice and teamworks E-service prototypes Developing and testing of technologies
Thank you! Questions please! Ingmar Pappel