Subject/Grade Lesson Plans Teachers:
Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) *7.4-Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding *7.4 (A)-Explain how figurative language (ex. Personification, metaphors, similes, hyperbole) contribute to the meaning of a poem. *7.8-Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about how an author’s sensory language creates imagery in literary text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding *7.8A-determine the figurative meaning of phrases and analyze how an author’s use of language creates imagery, appeals to the senses, and suggests mood
Narrowed focus around 7.4(A) and 7.8(A) Alternating daily bellwork MWF-Editing THF-Reading Monitor practice of various style of poetry- At the end of the unit, students will compile best work into a poetry booklet M-Editing, Grammar, Poetry Notes, Poetry handout (Vocabulary), Poetry Practice T-Reading Practice-Poetry Notes, Practice W-Editing-Collect packets, Poetry-Free verse and Rhyming, practice free verse and rhyming writing Th-Reading practice, Poetry-Haiku, Clerihew, Limerick and Acrostic F-Lightning in a Bottle, Collect homework, Poetry- Concrete and abstract Prefixes and editing-due Friday Subject DATE: SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening C3GC5FC4JC2D Homework Essential Question? 1.Why is line__presented differently by the author of this poem? 2. What mood was the author trying to set by the wording of the phrase__ 3. When the author uses the words--, what was the intended impact on the reader?