As PR basics should include the following:  1. Business executives, businessmen, entrepreneurs and managers should form the philosophy of the firm (


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Presentation transcript:

As PR basics should include the following:  1. Business executives, businessmen, entrepreneurs and managers should form the philosophy of the firm ( for what is created, what useful public services that are not directly related to making a profit, is ready to provide, etc.).  2. Work on public relations should be based on the national mentality, social studies, ideological scheme impact on mass consciousness. It differs from advertising in the literal sense of the term and can not be assessed by specific business results. PR - is the welfare of the company both in the near and distant future.  3. The staff of the company should be aware that only by maintaining good relations with the outside world, with a favorable public opinion can achieve the maximum realization of business objectives.  4. Insubordination is unacceptable to society, to the public.

The main objectives:  1. Object positioning PR (from the English. Position - position finding) - creation and maintenance (reproduction) understandable, and managed a favorable image.  2. Improving the image - after skillfully performing positioning you can move to increase (elevation) image using the ranks of the image and performance ranking them in order of importance:

 Antiadvertising, ie reduction image. Reduce the image easier than uplift, ie position of dignity. The purpose of anti-advertising - reduce the flow of customers in the event that the company is unable to satisfy all and offend failure is not desirable. In this case, you should explain to clients the existing problems.  ü Deviation from competitors - usually a combination of elevation of one image while reducing the other (or its object PR positioning against competitors ). Detuning can be overt or covert (eg, why drink bad coffee, if you can drink good tea ).  Counteradvertising (or " washing off " ) - recover accidentally reduced image. Refutation of unfair ( unethical, patently false ) and other advertising competitors. Counteradvertising extends to eliminate the negative effects of misleading advertising, elimination of contradictions. Counteradvertising have to be given time, then it is doubly effective.  Study of the influence of the environment on the company's activity : tracking changes in public policy, international situation, public opinion, the mood of the masses - the potential users. The study of demographic, cultural, ethical and other factors. Overcoming the " barriers of distrust " to the company and its products by influencing the attitudes and minds of people. Search, examination and identification of sponsors and investors.

Image includes figures at least three levels: 1. External appearance; 2. Psychological properties; 3. Social inclinations corresponding demands of the times and society.

 Appearance ( the first level of image components ) includes primarily natural external data plus their skillful use with a view to make a favorable impression with clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics. Some experts believe the image of that 55% of the experience depends on how a person looks.  Fashion innovation process is that instead of one standard and other objects come. Methods innovation - borrowing tradition invention. Some inventions produce real revolution in the fashion world. It is assumed that the cyclical innovation is about 100 years, ie approximately this time will be repeated the old standards of fashion.

 Besides clothes on first impression a great influence hairstyle, make-up, the presence or absence of jewelry, various types of portfolio business accessories, notebooks, pens, etc. There is also quite developed detailed recommendations for different situations, including non-standard and informal.  External image is especially important for short-term contacts when the first impression is especially important. For longer contacts, long-term cooperation is necessary to take care of the deeper components of the image.

 The second level is the image includes psychological properties of the human individual, personal and social and psychological problems: communication, empathy, reflexivity, oratory skills acquired as a result of education and training. Some information on the second level can be combined with the first example, put on his lapel symbol or university. For the second level are particularly important indicators of speech in all its variants from oral to written, from active to passive.

 Highly regarded professional qualities such as friendliness, sociability, ability to win, attentive listening, performing all the details of business etiquette. The third level of the image includes social inclinations, all that is associated with life and professional experience and personality is reflected in behavioral responses according demands of the times and society. As already mentioned, the image and its characteristics can be developed not only for humans but also for the firm, product, public and government organizations. In this case, pay attention to product packaging, its design, interior design, selection of trademarks and slogans ( slogans or mottos ) state heraldry.

 Based on the fact, what goals Public Relations, we can determine the functions performed by the enterprise service PR or PR firms in the market.

Функции PR (Паблик Рилейшнз) в соответствии с современными представлениями таковы:  установление взаимопонимания и доверительных отношении между организацией и общественностью;  создание "положительного образа" организации;  сохранение репутации организации;  создание у сотрудников организации чувства ответственности и заинтересованности в делах предприятия;  расширение сферы влияния организации средствами соответствующей пропаганды и рекламы. Свои функции Паблик Рилейшнз могут выполнять в следующих сферах человеческой деятельности:  общественных отношениях;  правительственных отношениях;  международных и межнациональных отношениях;  отношениях в промышленности и финансах;  средствах массовой информации. Любые мероприятия Паблик Рилейшнз состоят из четырёх различных, но связанных между собой частей:  анализ, исследования и постановка задачи;  разработка программы и сметы мероприятий;  общение и осуществление программы;  исследование результатов, оценка и возможные доработки.  Эти части иногда называются системой RACE: Research (исследование), Action (действие), Communication (общение), Evaluation (оценка).

The basic principles of public relations are the following : 1. Speak the truth about himself, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. ( But no one argues that it is necessary to tell the whole truth. Therein lies one of the important features of PR - to separate the information that must be published on the information that can not be published in any case. ) 2. Search for "bundles " with reality, to be able to own these " bundles" to calculate and implement ; 3. Good PR should not be noticeable and the more intrusive ( annoying, irritable ). In any case we must not forget about the sense of measures ; 4. Carefully monitor the interests and style of the materials of all journalists who specialize in the field of training materials in the system of PR, to be published in the media

 PR отличается от "продвижения" тем, что продвигает не столько продукт на рынке, сколько саму организацию в общественном сознании. Если продвижение работает преимущественно с потребителями, то PR - с более широкой общественностью, где потребители - не единственная и не самая значимая аудитория. Если продвижение использует платное средство информирования - рекламу, то PR практически бесплатны для источника. СМИ заинтересованы в качественной PR-информации, поскольку продают то, что получено бесплатно, подписчикам и другим потребителям.