Wireless Channels: Small Scale Fading (Multipath and Doppler Effect) These slides contains copyrighted materials from Prentice Hall Inc.. These figures are provided as instructor resources, and sources of these figures are: Wireless Communications and Networking, Jon W. Mark, Weihua Zhuang Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, Theodore S. Rappaport Wireless Communications
Doppler Shift Geometry
Channel issues
Complex Baseband model for RF systems
Time-varying impulse response
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) channel Linear Time Variant (LTV) channel
Multipath propagation
Measured impulse responses
Measured power delay profiles
Indoor Power Delay Profile
Two independent fading issues
Flat-fading (non-freq. Selective)
Frequency selective fading
Two independent fading issues
Rayleigh fading
level crossing