DETAILS Term of Office: 4 Years Term Limits (Amendment 22): Two terms or 10 years Article II – find qualifications Qualifications: Natural born citizen At least 35 Reside in the US for 14 years
POWERS Read through Article II – mark up powers of the President. Commander in Chief of Army and Navy Make treaties (Senate approval) Appoint Ambassadors, Ministers, Consuls, Judges, etc. (Senate approval) Fill vacancies in the Senate State of the Union
ARTICLE Read the article, “Wanted: One chief executive, no experience required” Highlight and mark up the various duties of the president within the article Find an answer to the following: Why was the role of the president left intentionally sketchy when the Constitution was written?
CHIEF OF STATE Ceremonial head of government Rules over the United States
CHIEF EXECUTIVE Power in domestic and foreign affairs Constitution gives “executive” power “the most powerful office in the world”
CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR Director of the federal government Heads of one of the largest government machines ever Directs over three million civilian employees and spends trillions of dollars
CHIEF DIPLOMAT Main architect of American foreign policy Chief spokesman for the rest of the world
COMMANDER IN CHIEF In charge of the military Directs and controls all branches of the nations armed forces
CHIEF LEGISLATOR Main architect in public policy Initiates, suggests, requests, demands that Congress act on certain legislation
CHIEF OF PARTY Leader of the political party that controls the executive branch Power and influence over party policy
CHIEF CITIZEN “Representative of all the people” Represent the people against private interests “The presidency is not merely an administrative office. That is the least of it. It is preeminently a place of moral leadership.” - FDR
CREATE Fold paper into 8 boxes In each box: Duty 3-5 word description Image to remind