LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP Tuesday, May 22, :00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar: Making Digital Resources Work For You
- Ways to find quality online resources - Issues of safety on the Internet - Tools to make resources more useful - Teaching strategies using technology Robert Payo NSDL Education & Outreach Specialist
From this list, what is the biggest reason that prevents you from using technology in the classroom? Not enough computers Faulty computers Limited or no student access to computers at home Lack of time at school Lack of time for planning *Stamp one answer*
2005 Net Day teacher survey results: Barriers to technology use 1.Lack of time in the school day (57%) 2.Not enough computers (46%) 3.Lack of time for planning (43%) 4.Limited or no student access to computers at home (43%) 5.Faulty computers at school (29%)
The 2006 Net Day Survey polled students on their interest in science. At what grade level did student interest begin to drop off? a)3 rd grade b)6 th grade c)9 th grade d)12 th grade Poll Question!
Where do you go or what do you do to find good online resources? Write your answers on the chat
National Science Digital Library Resources Tools Pathways
NSTA Learning Center Journal articles Learning objects e-Chapters Web Seminars
Search strategies: What do you use? More than one-word search terms Quotes: “mitosis of zebrafish cells” Bookmark tools Use specialized search engines (e.g. Clusty, KartOO, Grokker) Search tools: e.g. NSDL Toolbar, Concept Maps *Stamp all that apply*
Add the NSDL Toolbar to your browser to make searches through NSDL easier for you & your students Search by resource type or audience Search by NSDL Pathway Search NSDL from a document you found elsewhere on the Internet
NSDL Concept Map Tool: Interactive version of the AAAS Atlas of Science Literacy Benchmarks States of matter NSDL Resources for specific and related benchmarks
Noodle Tools: Search Strategy Guide Social Bookmarking Other Useful Tools
“Web 2.0” Technologies Have you ever…. Contributed to a blog? Used a wiki? Viewed a video on YouTube? Downloaded a podcast? Attended a web seminar? YesNo
2006 Net Day Teacher Survey: The biggest concern related to student use of technology is Internet safety TrueFalse
Internet Safety: a few tips 55% of online teens have created a personal profile online (ages 12-17) 55% have used social networking sites like MySpace or Facebook. 66% of teens who have created a profile say that their profile is not visible to all Internet users - Pew Internet & American Life Project Survey (1.7.07) Social Networking Sites User names vs real names “Avatars” vs real pictures Fake location vs real contact info, school info Keeping their pages set to “private” Teaching students to act as advisors for their friends
Expert Voices Blog: Students participating online
What do I want my students to do? Level of Engagement Find a website Ask a question Create a project Run a simulation Download a resource Learn from a links list Implement an existing module
12345 What online tools can I use?: Quick Poll I am interested in tools to help to create interactive presentation of material I am interested in tools that allow students to learn through the use of technology Low interest High interest Low interest
What online tools can I use? Presentational tools and tools for creating interactive lesson plans
Instructional Architect
Content Clips images audio video marking & notation tools Blank or ready-made templates to create activities
What online tools can I use? Tools that allow students to learn through the use of technology
Visualizing Data: eBird
Showing evidence tool: Intel Provides a format for students to examine ideas critically Allows for teacher feedback and comments Interactive way to visualize points in defending an argument
Visual and written constructs for building an argument
Models and Simulations: Physics Education Technology (PhET) simulations-base.html wavelengthfrequencywave speed Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Inquiry-based teaching Deriving relationships between variables Use of models as a way of studying phenomena Distance/Time = Speed Wavelength x Frequency = Wave Speed Wave on a String
Interactives: NSTA Learning Science Center Science Objects Force = Mass x Acceleration
The next time you find a good online resource….. What do I want my students to do with the resource? How can I use it in a way that is more interactive and self-directed? What online tools can I use to assist me and my students?
Go to and click on the K-12 audience page Download this seminar’s companion guide with resources from the seminar and more! Participate in our blog associated with this seminar
THANK YOU! Robert Payo NSDL Education & Outreach Specialist
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National Science Teachers Association Gerry Wheeler, Executive Director Frank Owens, Associate Executive Director Conferences and Programs Al Byers, Assistant Executive Director e-Learning LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP NSTA Web Seminars Flavio Mendez, Program Manager Jeff Layman, Technical Coordinator Susan Hurstcalderone, Volunteer Chat Moderator