Which jobs do they take? On Your Own
Meet some teens. This is Edwina. Edwina likes to take art courses. She sometimes designs her own clothing, and likes to speak what is on her mind, even if you don’t like her opinion. But she’s easy to get along with, and has a good sense of humor. Her strongest motivators are family/friends, achievement, and money. Her strongest values are adventure, flexible hours, and leisure time. She is “artistic” and “enterprising.”
What do you suggest for her? Secretary Horse Trainer Art Teacher Astrophysicist Fashion Designer Sales Rep Lawyer Accountant Child care worker Poet Graphic designer Interior designer Cartoonist Makeup artist Stockbroker Medical records Stenographer Dental assistant Dietician Art therapist Teacher’s aide Paramedic Occupational therapist Own an art supplies store
Meet Arnold. Arnold lives and breathes sports year-round. He has dreamed of playing basketball professionally, and is even being checked out by some colleges. His motivators are achievement, helping, and money. His values are well-organized, challenge, and variety in a day. He is “social” and “realistic.”
What do you suggest for him? Professional athlete Lawyer Dental assistant Sports medicine Bank manager Physical therapy assistant Physical therapy Electrician Crop duster Sales clerk Rancher Police officer Fitness instructor Race car driver IRS agent Firefighter Gym teacher Engineer Home health aide Registered nurse Art therapist
Here’s Lucy. Lucy is the life of the party. She has a large circle of close friends and is friends with most of the people in her class. She’s great at planning anything, whether a party or a school project. Her motivators are family/friends, aesthetics, and power. Her values are harmony, independence, and travel. She is “conventional” and “social.”
What do you suggest for her? Nurse Hair stylist Bank manager Travel agent Athletic director Lobbyist Sales clerk News journalist Ballet dancer Web site designer Florist X-ray technician Lawyer Poet Wedding consultant Graphic artist House painter Interior designer Radio announcer Secretary Dentist Counselor Risk analyst
Say hello to Harold. Harold likes to fix things. He works on cars, motorcycles, and anything that can be taken apart and put back together. Harold’s main values are family/friends, money, and achievement. His values are adventure, independence, and flexible hours. He is “realistic.”
What do you suggest for him? Banker Circus clown Animal trainer Motorcycle mechanic Race car driver Baker Secretary Farmer Sonographer Dental assistant Travel agent Sell car parts Child care worker Graphic designer Repair computers Build furniture Animal breeder Lawyer Electrician Ditch digger Florist
Isabella is a loner. However, Isabella is not lonely. She is more comfortable around animals than people. At home, she has two dogs, 3 cats, and a guinea pig. She works on a farm after school. Her motivators are helping others and integrity. Her values are harmony, stability, and equality. She is “social.”
What do you suggest for her? Child care worker Policeman Computer programmer Animal groomer Child care worker Animal trainer Work on a farm Florist Repair engines Raise racehorses Computer programmer Veterinarian Librarian Secretary Vet’s assistant Stenographer Phlebotomist Construction worker Elementary school teacher Nurse Raise dogs/cats
Meet the class president, Orville. Orville likes to win, whether it is an argument, a contest, or a game. He usually has ten projects going at a time, and is good at getting others to help him. He presents ideas in a way that gets others moving. His motivators are achievement, power, and money. What motivates him is challenge, independence, and well- organized. He is “enterprising” and “social.”
What do you suggest for him? Think of some logical suggestions, and then narrow them down.
Perhaps Ruth will build a robot president, so she can get Orville to be quiet. She has been working with computers for as long as she can remember. She is on the robotics team; last year, her team took first place. Her motivators are achievement, family/friends, and helping others. Her values are challenge, harmony, and travel. She is “investigative” and “social.”
Say hello to Bert. Bert tried surfing during a vacation, and now this is what he wants to do with his life. He is not interested in another career. He wants to travel around the world, trying out all the best waves. Other people think he is crazy, but he’s okay with that. His motivators are leisure and achievement. His values are travel, outdoors, and independence. He is “realistic.”
Meet Lou Ellen Lou Ellen is very organized. She is statistician for the track team. She works in a bank in the evenings proof-reading checks. Lou Ellen’s motivators are achievement and money. Her values are well-organized, stability, and equality. She is “conventional” and “investigative.”