GROUP #2 St. Kitts and Nevis Health Situation Analysis
Background Information Saint Kitts (also called Saint Christopher) and Nevis is located in the northern part of the Leeward Islands chain in the Caribbean. Saint Kitts has a land area of km2 (68 sq. mi.) and Nevis has a land area of 93.2 km2 (36 sq. mi.), making the country’s total land area 261 km2.
Background Information Cont. The islands are separated at their closest points by a three-km channel. Volcanic in nature with peaks rising 3,700 feet. Susceptible to hurricanes and natural disasters and is also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Demographics Population over 65 is 8.1%. Life expectancy was 74.4 years in 2010 (males, 72; females, 76.8). That figure compares favorably with the 2006 figure of 73 years. Life expectancy is high and maternal mortality is low.
Population Structure
Percentage of the Older Population is Growing YearPop 65+Percentage of Population
Health Conditions The country has embraced the primary health care approach, with its strategies of community participation, health promotion, and intersectoral collaboration, and has ensured that health care is accessible and affordable to the population, which has barrier-free access to government services spanning the range from prevention to palliation.
Socio-Economic Status of Older Persons The 2007/2008 Country Poverty Assessment Report Vol. 1 indicated that older persons were generally concerned about money, food, health care and medication, adequate housing with amenities, respect, companionship and independence. Percent of older persons who are poor is 3.5%. 75% of older persons lived in extended or multigenerational homes. Older females still maintained responsibility for the household, caring for children and doing household chores.
Social and Economic Impacts on Aging Age dependency ratio is 11.6: For every 100 persons in the labour force there are approximately 12 persons over 65 years of age who are dependent on them for their survival. Retirement age is 55 years, and social security benefits commence at 62 years. The department of social assistance provides poor relief checks and food vouchers to indigent older persons. 22.2% of older persons are not covered by any schemes.
SOCIOECONMIC Older women suffer from educational disadvantages and greater risk of poverty due to lower income during their working life. In Nevis transportation is only private as opposed to St.Kitts with a public transportation system.
New National Policy on Aging Main Objectives 1. Create a comprehensive human rights based approach to aging 2. Enhance the capacity to ensure an acceptable standard of living for older persons such that adequate and timely care is provided to those who need it. 3. Facilitate services for older persons, which acknowledge the family as the basic unit. 4. Assist older persons to remain in their communities. 5. Access to relevant information – making technology age-friendly 6. Tapping into the experiences and resources of older persons. 7. Promoting self-reliance and functional independence. 8. Engineering and securing adequate and sustainable resource allocation to ensure the welfare of older persons 9. Implementing and regulating services for the elderly.
Core Principles for the policy Development Active aging Independence and dignity Productive aging Intergenerational solidarity Accessibility of services Family support Aging in Place Individual responsibility Healthy aging
Community Care and Social Services The Ministry of Health provides transportation for seniors to attend clinics on given days. Universal health coverage – real press towards primary health care renewal. Meals are provided by the government.
Leading Cause of Death NCDS account for the majority of illnesses and deaths among older adults: Diabetes is responsible for 13.2% of deaths. Cerebrovascular disease: 12% of deaths Ischemic heart disease: 9% of deaths Hypertension 4.2% of deaths
Recommendations Strengthening the implementation of the new National Policy for Aging. Strengthen policies to reduce and manage risk factors including obesity, smoking, alcohol. Review the retirement age. Early and accurate diagnosis of predisposed conditions: healthy lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, etc.