PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DATA: The age of the individuals varied from 25 to 60 years. The data is collected from spring 2016, fall 2015, spring 2015, fall Pre weight- weight of the individual before the start of the program. The average pre weight of the individuals is equal to pounds. Post weight- weight of the individual after the completion of the program. The average post weight of the individuals is equal to pounds. Weight loss is nearly equal to 4.5 pounds.
BMI: Body Mass Index BMICLASSIFICATION Under weight<18.5 Normal weight Normal Obesity >30.0 The body mass index (BMI) or Quetelet index is a value derived from the weight and height of an individual. The BMI is defined as the body weight divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg/m 2, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in meters.
The BMI’s of the individuals varied from 16.4 kg/m 2 to 43 kg/m 2. Pre BMI- Body Mass Index of the individual before the start of the program. The average pre BMI of the individuals is equal to 28.5 kg/m 2 Post BMI- Body Mass Index of the individual after the completion of the program. The average post BMI of the individuals is equal to kg/m 2
Normal blood pressure = 120/80 Systolic blood pressure: The highest pressure when your heart beats and pushes the blood around your body. Diastolic blood pressure: The lowest pressure when your heart relaxes between beats. Blood Pressure Category Systolic mm Hg (upper #) Diastolic mm Hg (lower #) Normalless than 120andless than 80 Prehypertension120 – 139or80 – 89 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage – 159or90 – 99 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage or higheror100 or higher Hypertensive Crisis Hypertensive Crisis (Emergency care needed) Higher than 180orHigher than 110
The average systolic blood pressure of the individuals before the start of the program is equal to mm of hg. The average systolic blood pressure of the individuals after the completion of the program is equal to mm of hg. The average diastolic blood pressure of the individuals before the start of the program is equal to mm of hg. The average diastolic blood pressure of the individuals after the completion of the program is equal to mm of hg.
Grip Strength: It is an indicator of the upper body strength. Measured by using a hand grip dynamometer. Procedure: The participating individual will be asked to squeeze the dynamometer as hard as possible with each hand in a standing position. Grip strength is measured for both right and left hands. The average pre grip strength of the individuals for right hand is equal to The average post grip strength of the individuals for right hand is equal to The average pre grip strength of the individuals for left hand is equal to The average post grip strength of the individuals for left hand is equal to
The average number of stands for the individuals before the start of the program is equal to 20. The average number of stands for the individuals after the completion of the program is equal to 25.
Arm curl: Used for accessing upper body strength. Description: The test includes, number of bicep curls that can be completed in 30 seconds holding a weight of 4 lbs. The average arm curl of the individuals before the start of the program is equal to 25. The average arm curl of the individuals after the completion of the program is equal to
2 minute test : Number of full steps completed in 2 minutes Number of full steps completed in 2 minutes, raising each knee to a point midway between the patella (kneecap) and iliac crest (top hip bone). Score is number of times right knee reaches the required height. The average 2 minute test of the individuals before the start of the program is equal to 97. The average 2 minute test of the individuals after the completion of the program is equal to 115.
Sit and Reach (SR); Purpose: Used to assess the flexibility of the individual. Procedure: from a sitting position with legs extended and hands reaching toward toes The average sit and reach of the individuals before the start of the program is equal to 27.7 cm. The average sit and reach of the individuals after the completion of the program is equal to 30.1 cm.
Back Scratch: (BS) Purpose: To assess the upper body (shoulder) flexibility. Procedure: with one hand reaching over the shoulder and one up the middle of the back, the number of inches (cm) between extended middle fingers (+ or -). The average 2 minute test of the individuals before the start of the program is equal to -0.5 cm. The average 2 minute test of the individuals after the completion of the program is equal to +0.5cm.
SUMMARY: CategoryPrePost Weight169.9 lbs165.5 lbs BMI Blood Pressure – Systolic mm Hg mm Hg Blood Pressure – Diastolic75.11 mm Hg75.16 mm Hg Resting Heart Rate Grip Strength - Right Grip Strength – Left Chair Stand Exercise Arm Curl Exercise minute exercise Sit and Reach27.77 cm30.14 Back Scratch
Conclusion : In sum, it can be said that