Nile River  The Nile, the longest river in the world, flows more than 4,000 miles through North Africa.  The river flows Northward.


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Presentation transcript:

Nile River  The Nile, the longest river in the world, flows more than 4,000 miles through North Africa.  The river flows Northward.

Geography promotes civilization  The Nile River floods every year leaving behind silt.  The richest soil in Egypt was found in the Nile Delta, located at the mouth of the river.  Nile also provides protection because of rocky areas, with rapids called cataracts.

Geography Promotes Civilization  Nile River  Civilization protected by deserts to the east and west of Nile  Civilization protected by cataracts in the south

 Egypt had two kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt.  Appeared 5,000 years ago.  Egypt would be united in 3100 B.C. by Menes

Main achievements during Old Kingdom  Pyramids were developed during the Old Kingdom (2650 B.C.).  Built as tombs for Egypt’s rulers.  They took so long to build that they would be started while the ruler was alive and would be built by peasants.

Achievements during the Old Kingdom  Head of Egyptian gov’t was the pharaoh.  bureaucracy  Had absolute power.  Believed that he was god in human form.  Egypt was a theocracy because it was ruled by religious figures.

Middle and New Kingdom  The Middle Kingdom lasted for about 100 years until the Hyksos were driven out. –Strong leadership = stability and economic prosperity –Traded widely –Pharaohs sent armies to protect trade routes and built fortresses  This was the start of the New Kingdom – time of building, peace, strong military

Rulers  Hatshepsut became Egypt’s only female pharaoh.  She acted as a man and expanded Egypt’s empire by trade.  After she died, her nephew tried to eliminate any trace of her.

Rulers  The last great ruler of Egypt would be Ramses the Great.  Great wealth. More pyramids were built by him than any other ruler.  The Kingdom of Egypt would fall by 332 B.C. to the Greeks.

Egyptian Gods/Goddesses  Osiris  King and judge of the dead.  Was killed and restored to life by his sister, Isis.

Egyptian Gods/Goddesses  Isis  Goddess of nature and protector of women.  Usually drawn with a throne on her head.

Egyptian Gods/Goddesses  Horus  God of the sky.  Pharaohs were thought to be human forms of him.

Egyptian Gods/Goddesses  Anubis  Judge of dead and protector of cemeteries.  Would weigh souls to determine their fate

Religion  Polytheistic  If you were good in life, then you would be rewarded after death  If you were unworthy, then you would be punished

Religion  Egyptians believed that after a person died their soul would live in the land of the dead.  They believed that the ka would live on and that it needed food and water to survive.  Egyptians believed that gods controlled all natural events.

Religion  Egyptians developed mummification in order to preserve bodies.  Most organs were taken out of the body except the heart.  People would be buried with all of their important possessions.

Social Structure/ Daily Life  1. Pharaoh: rulers and wealthiest people in Egypt.  2. Artisans: made and sold goods.  3. Peasants: 90 percent of population. Worked on farms and pyramids.  4. Slaves: convicted criminals or prisoners of war.  Women had more rights than most early civilizations

Daily Life  Pharaohs would marry their sisters to keep bloodline pure.  Fathers served as the head of the household and mothers were supposed to take care of the house and children.  Boys were allowed to go to school while girls were taught to be good mothers.  Free time – enjoyed playing sports and games

Advancements in Writing  Main Egyptian writing was called Hieroglyphics (3200 B.C.).  Historians were unable to understand them until the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799.

Advancements in Science, Math, and Art  Egyptians were also good at math and science. –Geometry –Engineering –Human anatomy –Statues were large and imposing

Regions of Nubia  Nubia is south of Egypt were the Blue Nile and White Nile join to form the Nile River.  Although not blessed with Egypt’s rich farmland, they did have great mineral wealth producing gold, granite, and precious stones.

People of Nubia  Nubians made a living by being expert traders and skilled potters.  They were also known as expert archers.

Kush civilization  Although Egypt controlled Nubia during the Middle Kingdom when the Middle Kingdom collapsed around 1700 B.C. the Nubian state called Kush seized the opportunity to grow.

Kush civilization  The rulers of the Kush made an allegiance with the Hyksos.  After Egypt drove the Hyksos out in about 1550 B.C. and began the New Kingdom and invaded and controlled Kush.  The Kush were controlled by Egypt for 400 years until 1100 B.C.

Egyptian Influence on Kushite Culture  Kushite kings who conquered Egypt took the title pharaoh.  Kushite rulers built pyramids and had their bodies mummified for burial.  Early Kushite art was inspired by and modeled after Egyptian art.

 The Kushites adopted elements of Egyptian religion and worshipped Egyptian gods.  The Kushites adopted Egyptian Hieroglyphics as their writing system.