Crisis Intervention Team ( CIT-NJ ) Collaborating to Provide Better Services Presented by: Mary Lynne Reynolds, Ex Director The Mental Health Association of Southwestern New Jersey Edward C. Dobleman, Retired Chief of Police / State CIT Director CIT-NJ Center of Excellence
Learning Objectives: 1. Overview of CIT 2. Building Collaborations 3. Training and Effectiveness of CIT 4. Partnerships & Outcomes 5. Starting CIT in your County.
What is the Crisis Intervention Team? Nationally acclaimed best practice pre- booking jail diversion model originally developed by Memphis Police Department.
What community issues does CIT address? Consequences of the magnitude of untreated mental illness: – Homelessness – Incarceration – Victimization – Violence
Goals of CIT Reduce injury to officers and mental health consumers Divert mental health consumers to mental health treatment rather than being charged with crime that will lead to inappropriate sentencing to overcrowded jails and prisons.
What does CIT model offer? Provides foundation necessary to promote community & statewide solutions to assist individuals with mental illness. CIT Model is reducing stigma and the need for further involvement with the criminal justice system. CIT is providing a forum for effective problem solving regarding the interaction between the criminal justice and mental health system and creates the context for change.
Components of CIT Ongoing partnership/collaboration between a community’s law enforcement system, mental health system and family/consumer advocates Comprehensive 40 hour certification course for law enforcement officers and mental health screeners Development of personal networks between law enforcement and mental health professionals
Evolution of CIT in NJ 2004 Murder of inmate in mental health unit of Camden County Corrections led to creation of “cross systems” mental health task force 2005 task force researches CIT as potential jail diversion model Camden County Leadership Team created 2007 First CIT Certification class in Collingswood NJ
Evolution of CIT 2010 DMHAS funds MHASWNJ to provide technical assistance to counties throughout the state counties have adopted CIT – Have monthly meetings of CIT leadership groups – Coordinated at least 2 forty hour certification course per year
What is the NJ CIT Center of Excellence? NJ Division of Mental Health & Addictions has had contract with Mental Health Association in Southwestern NJ since 2010 to provide technical assistance to develop CIT programs in counties throughout the state.
Training: Mental Health Professionals Training:
Training: Police Training:
Training: Police Training:
CIT-NJ Curriculum:
Overview of Mental Illness: Causes of Mental Illness Types of Mental Illness Current trends in Mental Health Treatment People with Mental Illness (Rates of Violence) Difference between personality Disorders and other Psychiatric Diagnoses Review Ten current Personality Disorders Identify Psychotropic Medications
Nami “Community I Serve” Video:
Legal Perspectives: Screening Law Civil Commitment HIPPAA Warrantless Entry
Justice Involved Services: Jail Diversion Team Re-Entry Team ICMS (Long-term)
Consumer Panel:
Janssen Mindstorm Machine:
Suicide Prevention:
Children’s Mental Health: Perform Care Children’s Mobile Response Juvenile Justice System and Juveniles in Crisis
Special Needs Population: “There must be a physical or mental impairment (or combination of the two) which occurred prior to the age of 22 and are attributable to mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, spina bifida, traumatic brain injury, or other neurological impairments which are caused by central nervous dysfunction.” -Anne Marie Biddle, MA, LPC UMDNJ Department of Psychiatry Division for the Prevention and Treatment of Developmental Disabilities
Expanding Special Needs: Dementia Alzheimer’s Adult Protective Services: When to call them??
Homeless Population: Programs Structure of homeless Drop off & donations Housing
Verbal Judo: Based off the George Thompson method
Site Day:
Hearing Voices:
Officer / Screener Prespective: “In My World…..”“But in my World……..”
Cultural Awareness: Mental Illness in Different Types of Communities Myths and Misperceptions of people with Mental Illness
“Cop 2 Cop”:
Veteran Services:
PTST & Critical Incidents:
Active Listening & De-Escalation: What does their body language say?? How close do you stand?? Is your presence intimidating?? Don’t match their anxiety!!
Role Play: Using the skills taught.
When Words Don’t Work”:
Our Goal:
More than Just Training At the Core, the Crisis Intervention Team is a solid Partnership between! Law Enforcement Mental Health Stakeholders Families And The Community.
CIT Outcomes Scattergood foundation measuring effect of CIT on Reducing stigma Administering AQ-9 survey that poses statements and questions that require respondent to rate their level of agreement with statement on scale of one to nine
CIT Outcomes Measures stereotype endorsement in adults for pity, danger, fear, blame, segregation, anger, help avoidance, coercion 500 police officers were given questionnaire before class started and immediately after the education component of training was completed (Burlington, Camden, Essex, Passaic and Warren Counties)
CIT Outcomes Test results reflected that prejudicial attitudes diminish from pretest to posttest at statistically levels for danger, fear, blame, segregation, anger, help, avoidance and coercion. Suggests CIT has a meaningful and beneficial effect on the Officers’ attitudes about people with mental illness
How to start CIT:
Who do we need at the table: Director of Psychiatric Screening County Mental Health Administer County Nami Reprehensive Local Law Enforcement EMS President of County Chiefs of Police County Prosecutor Jail Warden Local Out Reach Programs
CIT-NJ Center of Excellence Role: Assist & Support in Development of Steering Committee Function as a Facilitator to the County Presentation of Orientation to CIT to host County Assist in development of the 40 hr CIT Certification Provide the 1 st 40 hr training Assist & Support of the in Counties 2 nd 40 hour training Provide ongoing support Facilitate quarterly state meetings Facilitate State wide website and web reporting
Next Step:
Stay in Touch: CIT-NJ Center of Excellence Would like to thank you for having us here today!! Visit us at me Follow us on.