Space Earth Observation Salvatore Pignataro Space Policy and Research ERA-PLANET Open Session Brussels, 17 February 2016.


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Space Earth Observation Salvatore Pignataro Space Policy and Research ERA-PLANET Open Session Brussels, 17 February 2016

€ 79 billion from 2014 to 2020 Horizon figures

3 3 Satellite Navigation (Galileo and EGNOS) Satellite Navigation (Galileo and EGNOS) Earth Observation (Copernicus) Earth Observation (Copernicus) Competitiveness of the European Space sector Protection of the European Space Assets Applications EGNSS evolution Copernicus evolution Technologies for European non- dependence and competitiveness Independent access to space Independent access to space Space Science and Exploration Space Surveilance and Tracking Space Weather, Space Debris, Near Earth objects Space Weather, Space Debris, Near Earth objects Data Applications Bottom-up engagement of SMEs in space R&D (SME Instrument) Fast Track to Innovation pilot Fast Track to Innovation pilot H2020 Space building blocks

4 Overall structure and budget for the Work Programme Work Programme

5 EGNSS Galileo & EGNOS applications and infrastructure EGNSS Galileo & EGNOS applications and infrastructure EO Earth Observation applications and services EO Earth Observation applications and services COMPET Competitiveness of the European Space sector: Tecnology and Science (incl. Space Weather) COMPET Competitiveness of the European Space sector: Tecnology and Science (incl. Space Weather) SST Space Surveillance and Tracking support framework SST Space Surveillance and Tracking support framework Calls for proposals: EGNSS applications Calls for proposals: EGNSS applications Calls for proposals: EO downstream applications Evolution of Copernicus services EO "big data" shift Calls for proposals: EO downstream applications Evolution of Copernicus services EO "big data" shift Calls for proposals: Critical space technologies EO & SatCom technologies Science and Exploration Space Weather Space Portal Technology transfer Calls for proposals: Critical space technologies EO & SatCom technologies Science and Exploration Space Weather Space Portal Technology transfer Other actions: Contribution to the SST support framework Improving the performance of SST at European level Other actions: Contribution to the SST support framework Improving the performance of SST at European level Other actions: Evolution of EGNSS infrastucture, mission and services Other actions: Evolution of EGNSS infrastucture, mission and services Other actions: ESA Engineering support Horizon prize on low-cost access to space Other actions: ESA Engineering support Horizon prize on low-cost access to space SME Instrument Fast Track to Innovation 'pilot' Fast Track to Innovation 'pilot' Horizon 2020 Space WP structure

6 LEIT-Space WP indicative budget (figures in M€) Calls for proposals + "Other actions" Total budget 2016: M€ 2017: M€ %11.9%31.5%7.6%7.9%1.5% WP Indicative budget

Image credits: ESA Horizon 2020 Earth observation

8 H2020 EO In Horizon 2020, Earth observation (EO) research and innovation is addressed in the GEO part of societal challenge 5 and in LEIT/space global environmental observation and information systems; environmental and climate services; global markets future generation of the Union space systems including Copernicus; innovative products and services based on remote sensing, geo-positioning or other types of satellite enabled data; data access LEIT/space Copernicus user uptake: stimulate business environment and foster public demand Copernicus evolution: services, data infrastructure Cross-cutting: technologies, international cooperation, market intelligence SC5/GEO Global and in-situ observing systems, citizen observatories GEOSS challenges Cross-cutting: data, international cooperation, markets

SC2: Blue Growth – demonstrating an ocean of opportunities (H2020-BG ):  BG : An integrated Arctic observing system  BG : Towards an integrated Mediterranean Sea Observing System SC2: Sustainable Food Security – resilient agri-food chains (H2020-SFS ):  SFS : Earth Observation services for the monitoring of agricultural production in Africa SC5: Earth Observation (H2020-SC ):  SC Novel in-situ observation systems  SC Coordination of citizens' observatories initiatives  SC European data hub of the GEOSS information system LEIT/space: Earth Observation (H2020-EO-2016 and H2020-EO-2017)  EO and EO : Downstream applications  EO : Downstream applications for public sector users  EO : Evolution of Copernicus services  EO : EO Big Data Shift LEIT/space: Competitiveness of the European Space Sector: Technology and Science (H2020- COMPET-2017)  COMPET : Competitiveness in Earth observation mission technologies SME Instrument (H2020-SMEInst )  SMEInst : Engaging SMEs in space research and development  SMEInst : Boosting the potential of small businesses Horizon 2020 WP EO topics Image credits: ESA

10 Earth observation

Related Earth Observation activities * This amount corresponds to three topics (not included in the total).

Space EO Image credits: ESA Earth observation Downstream applications Specific Challenge Copernicus produces a wealth of data and information regarding the Earth sub-systems (land, atmosphere, oceans) and cross-cutting processes (climate change, emergency and security) Copernicus data and information made available on a free open and full basis. This is expected to unleash unique market opportunities. Transition from R&D product prototypes to viable commercial product lines after the end of the EU funded phase 1 to 2 M€ 9,85 M€ Innovation Actions Reccomended project size Indicative budget Type of action

Space EO Image credits: ESA Earth observation Downstream applications Scope Proposals may address a wide variety of applications stemming from the use of Earth observation and its smart integration with other related technologies… The outcome of this innovation project should be a commercial service platform, sustained by a production process capable to deliver to the user a product which is validated and accepted as a marketable product… Corresponding validations and customisations are to be undertaken, and the business case for the application is to be demonstrated… The choice of EO application is left to the proposer… 1 to 2 M€ 9,85 M€ Innovation Actions Reccomended project size Indicative budget Type of action

Space EO Image credits: ESA Earth observation Downstream applications Expected impact sustainable supply chains for innovative EO value added products and services with demonstrated commercial value with targeted client communities Complete integration, based on international standards, into the customer’s existing business processes and processing chains Enhance the European industry’s potential to take advantage of market opportunities and establish leadership in the field, and to boost business activity new or improved products, processes or services on the market, which are capable of generating within 3 years after the end of public funding a significant turnover for the participants, and create new jobs 1 to 2 M€ 9,85 M€ Innovation Actions Reccomended project size Indicative budget Type of action

Space 15 Earth observation EO Reccomended project size Indicative budget Type of action Downstream services for public authorities Specific challenge Copernicus produces a wealth of data and information regarding the Earth sub-systems (land, atmosphere, oceans) and cross-cutting processes (climate change, emergency and security) information needs adaptation to local conditions and contexts, or adaptation to the specific needs of public authorities as part of workflow and procedures challenge to deepen user integration to match the needs of public authorities at national, regional or local levels. public sector transformations for which no commercial stable solutions exist … more forward looking public procurement strategy … through innovation 3 M€ Pre-commercial procurement

Space 16 Earth observation EO Reccomended project size Indicative budget Type of action Downstream services for public authorities Scope To launch demand-driven innovation actions by public authorities aiming at customising Copernicus information as part of the solution for their needs… …Application products are expected to adopt open standards for data documentation, data models and services… The choice of Copernicus service and associated downstream EO-based services left to the proposer… Coupling with European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) actions could facilitate this process and can ensure continuity 3 M€ Pre-commercial procurement

Space 17 Earth observation EO Reccomended project size Indicative budget Type of action Downstream services for public authorities Expected impact establishment of buyer groups for Earth observation services Copernicus-enabled national, regional or local applications in support of public authorities fostering the emergence of similar EO-based actions in smart specialisation strategies sustainable supply chains for delivery of downstream EO- based services to public authorities 3 M€ Pre-commercial procurement

Space Image credits: ESA Earth observation Reccomended project size Indicative budget Type of action EO Evolution of Copernicus services Specific Challenge Copernicus operational services need to evolve with recognised and emerging user requirements and state of the art methodologies process in place in the Copernicus services to review service evolution activities should consider the overall planning and programmatic priorities of Copernicus and its specific services 1 to 2 M€ 9 M€ Research and Innovation Actions

Space Image credits: ESA Earth observation Reccomended project size Indicative budget Type of action EO Evolution of Copernicus services Scope aim at demonstrating the technical operational feasibility of a specific service evolution proposal The proposers are expected to demonstrate at the proposal stage an active link with the Copernicus service by suitable means... … project should aim at providing a proof-of-concept or a prototype for a proposed evolution of the Copernicus services, respecting the border between Copernicus services and downstream services. …should allow to demonstrate the appropriateness to implement the proposed evolution later on at European level, i.e. potentially with operational Copernicus funding. …the activity should as well result into one or more possible scenarios how this evolution could potentially be integrated 1 to 2 M€ 9 M€ Research and Innovation Actions

Space Image credits: ESA Earth observation Reccomended project size Indicative budget Type of action EO Evolution of Copernicus services Expeted impact Enhance the European industry’s potential to take advantage of emerging market opportunities and capacity to establish leadership in the field; Boost competitiveness of the industrial actors in EU and national procurements; Establish a proof-of-concept or a prototype, which can act as reference for the independent assessment of Copernicus service evolution, in light of product extensions and service improvements. 1 to 2 M€ 9 M€ Research and Innovation Actions

Space 21 WP – EO Support documents Access to Copernicus data Evolution of Copernicus services /index_en.htm Image credits: ESA Earth observation

Space Identification of research needs - Methodology Operational services are not static, but evolve with recognised and emerging user requirements and state of the art methodologies. Annex of Copernicus Work Programme "Multi-annual Implementation plan for the Copernicus programme" shows that evolution in broad outlines Operational services recognise the need for R&D: Short-term internal upgrades Medium to long-term internal development Medium to long-term research need 22 REF Doc Requirement Analysis document Service Evolution Strategy document Process within the Service / interactions with users and scientists Service Documents In Copernicus Service External R&D funding e.g. H2020 Image credits: ESA Earth observation

Space Addressing of research – Time scales 23 Validation of need to conduct R&D projects Input to H2020 mechanism R&D needs identification Call publication in Horizon 2020 H2020  2-3 year R&D project 10 Nov 2015 H2020 Call doc Guidanc e doc. Results expected for operational integration not before Validation of such need with Copernicus users Project result output e.g. white paper Results from research Uptake in Service Operations Image credits: ESA Earth observation

Space Designed to further elucidate the research needs as identified in the context of provision of operational services in Copernicus for the benefit of applicants to Horizon 2020 Image credits: ESA Earth observation

Space HORIZON 2020 Thank you for your attention Space research and guidance documents Pre-published work programme