Reentry: A Successful Return Home TDCJ Reentry and Integration Division
TDCJ: Reentry and Integration Division The Reentry and Integration Division (RID) has a voluntary reentry program focused on assisting offenders in preparing for a successful return to the community. TDCJ has allocated 189 Reentry Case managers to the division: 136 assigned to TDCJ units where identification document ordering and Reentry Planning services to provide pre-release. 53 assigned to community locations to provide post-release reentry services to serve as Community Reentry Specialists. At the close of the 84 th Legislative Session, 50 additional reentry case managers were authorized: The Division also has a designated Veteran’s Specialist assigned to the Austin office. 2
Reentry Services Reentry services are offered in a phased approach Phase I: Identification Document Ordering Phase II: Individualized Case Management - Pre Release Phase III: Individualized Case Management - Post Release 3
Identification Card Processing minimizes the delays and barriers experienced by offenders being released from TDCJ therefore closing reentry gaps by allowing for proper identification required to secure: Employment; Housing; Education; Social services and; Benefits. Reentry Identification Card Processing 5
6 State Identification Processing Continued: TDCJ and Department of State Health Services have entered into an interagency contract to obtain birth certificates for those offenders who were born in Texas and who will release to a residence within the state. TDCJ has an interagency agreement with the Social Security Administration to provide replacement Social Security Cards. TDCJ, Department of State Health Services and Department of Public Safety have interagency contracts for issuing the state identification card through an electronic process.
14 Pre-Release Phase of Reentry Services: Phase II Reentry Case managers use the Texas Risk Assessment System to assess an offenders risk of reoffending, with case management offered to moderate and high risk offenders. Case managers develop an individualized reentry plan in collaboration with the offender, community providers and family support systems. It is designed to address offender needs in nine key areas recognized as necessary for successful reentry, including: Identification Housing Employment and Education Health Care Substance Abuse Transportation Clothing, Food, and Amenities Financial Resources Support Systems Eligibility criteria for the Reentry Program include: Must have a target release date within 6 months, or sentence completion date within six months No active ICE or felony detainers (excludes State Jail detainers) Must plan to reside in Texas upon release from TDCJ
15 Linkage to the Office of the Attorney General - Family Initiatives Father and Noncustodial Parent Involvement - programs and policies for fathers and noncustodial parents that strengthen their financial and emotional contributions and encourage active participation in the child support process; Shared Parenting - programs, resources, and policies that encourage cooperative parenting relationships as part of the child support process; and Forming Families and Youth Education - prevention and early intervention efforts that promote healthy family formation, encourage responsible parenthood, and decrease the need for adversarial child support enforcement.
Enhancing Reentry Services for Incarcerated Veterans
A Growth Perspective As the number and complexity of needs of incarcerated Veterans grow in the post-9/11 era, TDCJ continues to expand the approach to meet these needs. Identification of Veterans Continuity of Care and Linkage through the Veterans Administration and the Military Veteran's Peer Network Compensation and Benefits Applications 17
18 Income and Entitlements The TDCJ in collaboration with the Texas Veterans Commission has trained all unit based Reentry Case Managers on completion of Compensation and Pension applications for incarcerated veterans. TVC Training Coordinator has provided TDCJ-specific training regarding completion of basic compensation and pension applications.
23 Community Reentry Services: Phase III Community Reentry Case Managers offer post release case management for moderate and high risk offenders who were enrolled in Reentry Planning services during incarceration. The Community Reentry Case Managers will provide case management and reentry engagement in the following areas: Identification Housing Employment and Education Health Care Substance Abuse Transportation Clothing, Food, and Amenities Financial Resources Support Systems Family Reunification
TCOOMMI Special Needs Reentry 24
25 TCOOMMI funds a continuity of care program designed to provide a responsive system for local referrals from parole, jail, family and other related agencies. Components of this program include but are not limited to: Screening and Linkage to Appropriate Services Federal benefit Application Services Jail Screening Court Intervention *Not all services are available in every county TCOOMMI Program Service TCOOMMI Program Service Continuity of Care (COC)
26 TCOOMMI Program Services TCOOMMI Program Services Continuity of Care & Case Management in Halfway House Settings To provide services and support within Halfway Houses Funding provided for Licensed Practitioner of the Healing Arts (i.e., LPHA) positions with the local mental health authorities Programs target offenders in need of: Brief linkage to independent mental health care or Intensive services designed to: stabilize symptoms, reduce the risk of recidivism, increase awareness of and participation with community and natural supports, develop skills in self advocacy, extend community tenure, and gain ability to participate in independent mental health care (i.e., Intensive Case Management).
27 TCOOMMI Program Services TCOOMMI Program Services Case Management Intensive Case Management (ICM) 3.5 hours of comprehensive team oriented services. Focusing on Moderate and High Risk/High Needs offenders. Caseload ratio of 25:1. Utilizes the Texas Resiliency and Recovery (TRR) measure as well as the parole or probation risk measures to identify High Risk/High Need. Transitional Case Management (TCM) 1.5 hours of transition/step down oriented services. Focusing on Low Risk/Moderate Need offenders. Caseload ratio 75:1. Utilizes the new Texas Resiliency and Recovery (TRR) measure as well as the parole or probation risk measures to identify Moderate Risk/Moderate Need.. Case Management provides a more appropriate and cost effective alternative to incarceration.
28 TCOOMMI Program Services TCOOMMI Program Services Medical Continuity of Care Designed to provide a responsive continuity of care system for offenders with complex medical needs: Pre and post release medically appropriate residence planning. Pre and post release benefits application assistance, submission and tracking. Veteran’s coordination, Linkage to appropriate support services (e.g., home health programs, home modification resources, medication funding). Local referrals from parole, jail, family and other related agencies.
29 TCOOMMI Program Services TCOOMMI Program Services Medical Continuity of Care: HIV/AIDS Services TCOOMMI operates an HIV/AIDS program through an interagency agreement with the Department of State Health Services to provide: Application for Drug Assistance Programs (ADAP) completion. Health Education and Risk Reduction services. Pre release registration of AIDS Service Organization appointments Post release continuity of care.
Reentry and Integration Division Reentry and Integration Division Texas Department of Criminal Justice Administrative Headquarters Austin Office 4616 W Howard Lane Suite 200 Austin Huntsville Office 2 Financial Plaza Huntsville, TX April Zamora, M.ED, LCDC Division Director